CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Affaire Karam : Siniora dénonce...: Abordant ensuite le dossier du financement du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban, M. Siniora a rappelé les circonstances dans lesquelles ce tri...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Affaire Karam : Siniora dénonce...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Qadiri: Hezbollah working to overthr...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Qadiri: Hezbollah working to overthr...: Future bloc MP Ziad al-Qadiri said in an interview published on Monday that Hezbollah is trying to establish ties with Russia and China in o...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Sleiman: Lebanon ‘must’ pay share of...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Sleiman: Lebanon ‘must’ pay share of...: President Michel Sleiman said in remarks published Monday that Lebanon must pay its share of funding to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (ST...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - An-Nahar: Sanctions to target Hezbol...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - An-Nahar: Sanctions to target Hezbol...: An-Nahar newspaper reported on Monday that “in case the Lebanese government refuses to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) the inte...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Jarrah: Future bloc to refuse dialog...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Jarrah: Future bloc to refuse dialog...: Future bloc MP Jamal Jarrah said on Monday that his bloc “will refuse all calls for dialogue if the session aims at [maneuvering against] fu...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Funding STL essential for stability i...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Funding STL essential for stability i...: By Wassim Mroueh ALEY, Lebanon: Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt said Sunday that funding the Special Tribunal for Lebano...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Suleiman Says Lebanon ‘Should Fund’ STL...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Suleiman Says Lebanon ‘Should Fund’ STL...: President Michel Suleiman stressed on Monday that Lebanon “should fund” the Special Tribunal for Lebanon r...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - STL Funding Consultations to Gain Mome...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - STL Funding Consultations to Gain Mome...: Consultations between the major parties represented in the cabinet over the funding of the international tribunal ar...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - No quick solution for STL funding, says...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - No quick solution for STL funding, says...: MP Ziad Aswad confirmed to "Voice of Lebanon" radio station on Monday that there is no quick solution for the STL issue amid severe dispute ...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Jarrah refuses to bypass STL, October 3...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Jarrah refuses to bypass STL, October 3...: Future bloc member MP Jamal Jarrah confirmed Monday to "Voice of Lebanon" radio station that his party would refuse any invitation to circum...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Wahhab: STL will not be funded, Octo...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Wahhab: STL will not be funded, Octo...: Arab Tawhid Party leader Wiam Wahhab said in an interview published on Wednesday that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), which is inves...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Ogassapian: Mikati part of plan to c...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Ogassapian: Mikati part of plan to c...: Future bloc MP Jean Ogassapian said on Wednesday that “Prime Minister Najib Mikati is part of the plan aiming at dropping the Special Tribu...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Geagea à la majorité : Ne révei...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Geagea à la majorité : Ne révei...: Samir Geagea en compagnie du député Fouad el-Saad hier à Meerab. Photo Aldo Ayoub Le chef des Forces libanaises, Samir Geagea, a mis e...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Financement du TSL : le Hezboll...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Financement du TSL : le Hezboll...: Par Émile Khoury | jeudi, octobre 20, 2011 Le numéro deux du Hezbollah, cheikh Naïm Kassem, affirme que « nous nous sommes ente...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : Sleiman et Mikati invités...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : Sleiman et Mikati invités...: Dans les milieux du 14 Mars, les signes d’impatience autour des hésitations du gouvernement sur la question du financement du Tribunal spé...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Mirza remet au tribunal son rap...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Mirza remet au tribunal son rap...: Le procureur près la Cour de cassation, le juge Saïd Mirza, a remis hier à une délégation du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban le rapport mensu...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Geagea: Failure to pay STL dues would...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Geagea: Failure to pay STL dues would...: BEIRUT: Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said Thursday the failure of Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s government to pay Lebanon’s share of...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - State prosecutor submitsprogress repo...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - State prosecutor submitsprogress repo...: BEIRUT: State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza handed over Wednesday a report on the efforts made to arrest the four indicted individuals in t...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Russia Reiterates Support to STL, Lashe...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Russia Reiterates Support to STL, Lashe...: Russian ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin stressed on Thursday that his country’s stance on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing ...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Mirza hands STL report on Hariri's assa...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Mirza hands STL report on Hariri's assa...: State Prosecutor General Saiid Mirza handed a delegation of Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) on Wednesday, the monthly report...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : le 14 Mars « prêt à tout ...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : le 14 Mars « prêt à tout ...: L’opposition a brusquement haussé le ton hier face au gouvernement sur la question du financement du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban, allant...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Fransen demande à la chambre de...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Fransen demande à la chambre de...: Le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban doit déterminer s’il souhaite la tenue d’un procès en l’absence des quatre membres du Hezbollah accusés ...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Cabinet Faces STL Funding Test, Octobe...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Cabinet Faces STL Funding Test, Octobe...: The cabinet launches on Tuesday what would most probably be protracted discussions on the draft state budget which...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Fransen Requests Trial Chambers to Dec...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Fransen Requests Trial Chambers to Dec...: Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen has asked the Trial Chamber to determine whether proceedings in abs...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Special Tribunal to start in absentia...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Daily Star - Special Tribunal to start in absentia...: BEIRUT: The U.N.-backed court investigating the 2005 assassination of Statesman Rafik Hariri asked its Trials Chamber Monday to begin in ab...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Aridi: PSP does not view STL as US-I...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Aridi: PSP does not view STL as US-I...: Progressive Socialist Party minister Ghazi Aridi said in remarks published on Tuesday that his party “does not view the Special Tribunal for...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Al-Akhbar: Assad says STL funding is...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Al-Akhbar: Assad says STL funding is...: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was quoted by unnamed Syrian sources as saying that he is “not concerned” with Lebanon’s decision to pay it...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Allouch: Decision of STL funding is ...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Allouch: Decision of STL funding is ...: Future Movement official Mustafa Allouch said on Tuesday that the decision to pay Lebanon’s share of funding to the Special Tribunal for Leb...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Hezbollah decides whether or not govt s...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - Hezbollah decides whether or not govt s...: MP Mouin al-Merabi said to Al-Sharq radio station that Hezbollah is the only party in the government to decide whether or not the c...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - STL funding would put all sides on the ...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Iloubnan - STL funding would put all sides on the ...: MP Samir Jisr told Voice of Lebanon radio station on Tuesday that Lebanon could not confront international community, adding that ...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Si le régime libanais ne coopèr...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - Si le régime libanais ne coopèr...: « Si le président du tribunal en arrive jusqu’à émettre un avis soulignant que le régime libanais ne coopère pas suffisamment avec le trib...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : la cacophonie s’enracine ...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: L'Orient le jour - TSL : la cacophonie s’enracine ...: À défaut d’entente, il faudra passer au vote en Conseil des ministres et « que la majorité impose ses vues », souligne Kassem. Le message ...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Aswad reiterates bloc’s rejection of...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Aswad reiterates bloc’s rejection of...: Change and Reform bloc MP Ziad Aswad said on Monday that his bloc is against paying Lebanon’s share to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Ogassapian: Mikati ‘part of scheme’ ...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Now Lebanon - Ogassapian: Mikati ‘part of scheme’ ...: Future bloc MP Jean Ogassapian told Future News television on Sunday that Prime Minister Najib Mikati “is part of the scheme aiming to overt...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Miqati Denies Resignation Over STL Fund...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Miqati Denies Resignation Over STL Fund...: Premier Najib Miqati’s sources have shrugged off rumors that he would quit, telling Beirut dailies on Mond...
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CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Geagea Warns of Manipulation in STL Fun...
CLDH Human Rights Press Review: Naharnet - Geagea Warns of Manipulation in STL Fun...: Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea warned on Monday of any manipulation concerning the funding of the Special Tribu...
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Background - خلفية
On 13 December 2005 the Government of the Lebanese Republic requested the UN to establish a tribunal of an international character to try all those who are alleged responsible for the attack of 14 february 2005 that killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 22 others. The United Nations and the Lebanese Republic consequently negotiated an agreement on the establishment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Chronology - Chronologie
Détenus - Detainees - المعتقلون
International Criminal Justice
Videos - فيديو
- Now Lebanon : Crowds Gather to Show Support for International Tribunal, August 4, 2010
- IRIS Institute:La creation du TSL est-elle justifiee? - June 18, 2009
- Al Manar : Interview with Ali Hajj right after his release - April 30, 2009
- Al Manar: Summary of Jamil Al Sayyed's press conference, April 30, 2009
- AFP, Freed Lebanese prisoner speaks out - April 30, 2009
- OTV : exclusive interview with Jamil Sayyed - April 30, 2009
- Al Jazeeera English : Crowds celebrate Hariri suspects'release - April 29, 2009
- OTV : report about Ali el Hajj - March 18, 2009
Liens - Links - مواقع ذات صلة
Frederic Megret, McGill University, 2008. A special tribunal for Lebanon: the UN Security Council and the emancipation of International Criminal Justice
International Center for Transitional Justice Handbook on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, April 10, 2008
United Nations
Conférence de presse de Nicolas Michel, 19 Sept 2007
Conférence de presse de Nicolas Michel, 27 Mars 2008
Département d'Etat américain
* 2009 Human Rights report
* 2008 Human Rights report
* 2007 Human Rights report
* 2006 Human Rights report
* 2005 Human Rights report
ICG - International Crisis Group
The Hariri Tribunal: Separate the Political and the Judicial, 19 July, 2007. [Fr]
HCSS - Hague Centre for strategic studies
Hariri, Homicide and the Hague
Human Rights Watch
* Hariri Tribunal can restore faith in law, 11 may 2006
* Letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, april 27, 2006
Amnesty International
* STL insufficient without wider action to combat impunity
* Liban : le Tribunal de tous les dangers, mai 2007
* Jeu de mecano
Courrier de l'ACAT - Wadih Al Asmar
Le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban : entre espoir et inquiétude
Georges Corm
La justice penale internationale pour le Liban : bienfait ou malediction?
Nadim Shedadi and Elizabeth Wilmshurt, Chatham House
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon : the UN on Trial?, July 2007
Issam Michael Saliba, Law Library of Congress
International Tribunals, National Crimes and the Hariri Assassination : a novel development in International Criminal Law, June 2007
Mona Yacoubian, Council on Foreign Relations
Linkages between Special UN Tribunal, Lebanon, and Syria, June 1, 2007