كاسيزي يرفع تقريره الاول مستندا الى العناصر التشكيلية للمحكمة
يستعد رئيس المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان أنطونيو كاسيزي لتقديم تقريره السنوي الأول إلى الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة.
واوضح مصدر فرنسي لصحيفة "السفير" أن التقرير "سيتحدث عن العناصر التشكيلية للمحكمة، بعد عام على إطلاقها من إدعاء ودفاع وغرف وقلم، والبنى التحتية، والأوضاع المالية وطريقة عملها والتعديلات التي أدخلت عليها، ومجموعة الاتفاقات التي استطاعت إبرامها مع المنظمات الدولية كالأنتربول، لتبادل المعلومات".
واضاف المصدر أن كاسيزي "سيركز في تقريره بشكل خاص على صعوبة التحقيق في قضية معقدة كجريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري، من دون أن يسهب في تقديم أي معلومات عن النتائج التي توصل إليها، او أن يناقش الفرضيات التي توصل إليها وما نشرته بشأنها وسائل إعلام غربية ، ك "دير شبيغل" أو "الفيغارو"، تاركا مهمة الاعلان "عن مآلات التحقيق إلى المدعي العام الدولي دانيال بلمار، وهي مهمته الحصرية".
ودعا المصدر إلى "عدم تفسير غياب الإشارة إلى النتائج في هذه المرحلة بغير ذلك، أو ان التحقيق الذي يقوده بلمار لا يتقدم، أو ان المحققين لا يقومون بعملهم".
واذ لفت المصدر الى أن "بلمار لا يجد في قوائم المحكمة ما يدعوه إلى التحدث إلى الإعلام عن عمله أو عن نتائج التحقيق"، لم يستبعد "إصدار تقرير عن التحقيق عندما يحين الوقت المناسب لذلك".
ولاحظت صحيفة "السفير" ان "المحكمة لا تزال بانتظار تعيين خلف لرئيس فريق المحققين نجيب كالداس الذي انتهى عقد عمله لدى المحكمة الاربعاء. واضافت انه "بدءا من اليوم، يحل نائب رئيس قلم المحكمة هيرمان فون هيبل، رئيساً بالوكالة محل دايفيد تولبرت المستقيل".
February 26, 2010 - Naharnet - Cassese report
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February 25, 2010 - Annahar - President of the STL
الخميس 25 شباط 2010 - السنة 77 - العدد 23970
محليات سياسية
كاسيزي صمد في تجربة يوغوسلافيا ويواجه اختباراً مماثلاً
المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان أمام محك الأدلة والتشكيك
يستمر دعم المحكمة الدولية في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري ورفاقه العنوان الابرز للاهتمام الخارجي بلبنان، على قاعدة إظهار المجتمع الدولي، مجتمعاتٍ ودولا، ولا سيما منها الدول المؤثرة والمعنية، اهتمامه بالمحكمة باعتبارها السبيل الانجع لإحقاق العدالة ومنع الاغتيالات من ان تجد طريقها الى لبنان مجددا. وآخر مظاهر هذا الدعم اتى على لسان البابا بينيديكتوس السادس عشر في عطلة الاسبوع المنصرم ابان زيارة رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري للفاتيكان، وهو دعم واهتمام يدحضان الى حد كبير ما يبرز بين الفينة والاخرى من تشكيك في استمرار المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان او في قدرتها على التوصل الى نتائج ملموسة على رغم الزيارة الاخيرة التي قام بها رئيس المحكمة انطونيو كاسيزي للبنان قبل وقت قصير. بعض هذا الكلام يزيد على حده احيانا، من حيث الجزم بعدم قدرة المحكمة على التوصل الى قرار ظني، لغياب الادلة او غياب الدعم المالي اللازم في وقت قريب، او التضحية بالمحكمة من خلال صفقات اقليمية معينة، او الكلام على كلفة المحكمة واعبائها والتي يتحمل لبنان 49 في المئة من موازنتها، او على الفارق بين رواتب القضاة في هذه المحكمة ورواتب القضاة اللبنانيين... الى امور اخرى عن جدوى المحكمة.
وهذا الامر يخرج المسؤولين عن المحكمة بين وقت وآخر الى مواقف علنية من اجل تصحيح او تبديد ما تخلفه بعض هذه الاستنتاجات من انطباعات، بالمقدار الذي تسمح به مواقعهم. لكن من دون الخروج عمليا عن صمت مطبق يعتمده هؤلاء، مفضلين استمرار العمل من دون الدخول في تعليقات او في متاهات السياسة اللبنانية او الخارجية، لان مهمتهم تقضي عدم تبرير المعطيات السياسية ايا تكن. وتقول اوساط ديبلوماسية مواكبة لعمل المحكمة ان التباسا قد يقع فيه اللبنانيون وسواهم من حيث عدم الفصل بين مرحلة عمل لجنة التحقيق الدولية المستقلة وتشكيل المحكمة الخاصة باغتيال الرئيس الحريري والمهمات التي ستقوم بها، في حين ان الواقع القانوني للمحكمة يحتم الفصل على نحو واضح. فلجنة التحقيق الدولية انحصرت مهمتها بمساعدة السلطات اللبنانية في التحقيقات المتعلقة بجرائم الاغتيال، في حين ان المحكمة تتعدى هذا الطابع الى بنية قانونية متكاملة تقوم على نظام وجاهي بين الادعاء والدفاع، حيث للادعاء الحق في كشف المعلومات التي تسلمها من لجنة التحقيق من اجل اقرار مدى قوتها الثبوتية، باعتبار انه لن يمكنه التقدم بقرار اتهامي غير مستند الى القوة الكافية التي تمكنه من الانتقال الى قاعة المحكمة، من دون ان يواجه احتمال ان يرد قاضي الاجراءات التمهيدية القرار او من دون ان يخسر المواجهة مقابل الحجج التي يمكن ان يقدمها الدفاع.
وتضوح هذه الاوساط ان ثمة فارقا بين المعلومات والدليل، اذ ان المحكمة لا يمكن ان تعتمد في اجراءاتها الى على الادلة التي يجب ان ترقى الى درجة لا تقبل الشك المعقول، والا فان القضية تكون خاسرة. وتاليا فان المحكمة، بحسب هذه المصادر، لن تخاطر بذلك، كما لا تستطيع ان تتحمل عبء تخييب آمال اهالي الضحايا الذين ينتظرون ان تأتيهم المحكمة بالحقيقة. وثمة محاذير اخرى من فشل المحكمة في مهمتها باعتبارها من اكثر مهمات العدالة الدولية تعقيدا، لان الفشل لن يكون محدودا بل هو فشل للعدالة الدولية، وثمن لا يمكن المجتمع الدولي ان يتحمل اعباءه، كما انه سيكون بمثابة بطاقة بيضاء امام الارهاب الدولي.
وتقلل هذه الاوساط الديبلوماسية اهمية الكلام على لفظ المحكمة انفاسها تحت وطأة صفقات اقليمية، لان القائلين به لا يعون حجم الصعوبات التي تواجهها المحكمة، اي محكمة دولية، والتي لا يمكنها ان تقرر مسبقا ما يمكن ان ينتج من اعمالها باعتبار ان الكلمة الفصل تبقى للادلة فقط وليس للتكهنات او الانطباعات.
وتروي نقلا عمن عرف رئيس المحكمة كاسيزي عن كثب حين كان اول رئيس للمحكمة الخاصة بيوغوسلافيا السابقة، انه كان من بين قلة آمنت بأن المحكمة ستنجح على رغم كل الضغوط التي كانت تواجهها، وجزم الكثيرين انها كانت ذاهبة الى الفشل. وعندما نفذت موازنة المحكمة طلب قضاتها السماح لهم بالعودة الى بلادهم في انتظار الحصول على اموال تمكّنهم من متابعة عملهم. ولكن كاسيزي رفض، وكان يردد دوما امام منتقديه انه "مؤمن" بنجاح المحكمة، فبقي القضاة ولم يتركوا مواقعهم.
وتقول الاوساط نفسها ان كاسيزي عندما كان رئيسا للمحكمة الخاصة بيوغوسلافيا السابقة اصر على البقاء رغم عدم توافر اي موازنة للمحكمة ولا حتى بناء خاص، مما اضطر القضاة في جلسة اداء اليمين الى استعارة الثوب القضائي من القضاة الهولنديين. وعندما اتفق قضاة المحكمة في اول جلسة عامة عقدوها على المغادرة الى بلدانهم في انتظار الحصول على موازنة، اعتبر كاسيزي ان اقفال ابواب المحكمة سيكون، فشلا ذريعا للعدالة الدولية. وبعد عامين من نشأة المحكمة سئل عما ستؤول اليه المحكمة التي كان ينظر اليها آنذاك على انها لن تثمر ا ي نتيجة، فكان جوابه بالفرنسية "Passer ou casser" اي المحكمة تَعْبُر او تَكْسير (القضاء)". وخاطبه احد الديبلوماسيين ممازحا "اذن سيكون اسمك الرئيس باسيزي".
ولذلك يعتقد ان ضغوطا مماثلة تحت واجهة حملات منظمة تبرز بين وقت وآخر تواجه المحكمة الخاصة باغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري ورفاقه كما تواجه قضاتها، خصوصا ان هناك من يوظف حساسية القيمين على المحكمة من الانتقادات، ليس فقط من اجل السعي الى الطعن في صدقية المحكمة بل ايضا في صدقية هؤلاء.
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February 25, 2010 - Alakhbar - Children from Gaza visit to the STL
الخميس 25 شباط 2010 العدد – 1053
لاهاي تستقبل أطفال غزّة المحرومين من العدالة
استقبلت المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان في لاهاي، يوم أول من أمس، طلاب مدارس وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الأونروا)، من مختلف مناطق قطاع غزة، في زيارة تعرّفوا خلالها إلى آلية عمل المحكمة، وتفقّدوا مرافقها وطرحوا أسئلتهم على المسؤولين فيها. رئيس قلم المحكمة، الأميركي دايفد تولبرت الذي استقال أخيراً وسيغادر لاهاي في الأسابيع المقبلة، كان قد رتّب هذا النشاط بفضل معارفه، إذ إنه عمل مسؤولاً في الأونروا خلال ثمانينيات القرن الماضي.
وشرح أمس قسم العلاقات العامة في المحكمة أن زيارة الوفد «الذي يضم طلاباً من المرحلة المتوسطة من مختلف مدارس قطاع غزة، تأتي في إطار برنامج زيارات ينظّمه برنامج التربية والتعليم في الأونروا بتمويل من الحكومة الهولندية، ويهدف إلى دمج مواد حقوق الإنسان في منهاج التعليم وتعزيز ثقافة حقوق الإنسان لدى الطلبة».
اللافت في ذلك الشرح التركيز على «حقوق الإنسان» لا على العدالة. وتكمن المفارقة في أن أبناء غزّة الذين تعرّضوا لأبشع الجرائم، خلال كانون الأول 2008 وكانون الثاني 2009، التي قُتل خلالها المئات وجرح الآلاف وهم محرومون من العدالة الدولية، بينما المحكمة الدولية التي يزورونها تسعى إلى محاسبة قتلة 23 شخصاً عام 2005 وبكلفة مئات ملايين الدولارات. لكن نائب رئيس المحكمة القاضي رالف الرياشي حاول تجاوز ذلك عبر قوله للغزاويين «عدم وجود عدالة للجميع لا يعني وقف سير العدالة حيث وجدت»، مشدداً على أن «العدالة لا تعني الانتقام».
وتحدث تولبرت عن مرحلة عمله في الأونروا، وغزة بالتحديد، مخاطباً الطلبة: «إن خطوات هائلة تحققت في مجال العدالة الدولية خلال الأعوام الـ15 الأخيرة، إلا أنه لا يزال هنالك الكثير لإنجازه». لا يبدو أن لأطفال غزة حصّة في «الخطوات الهائلة التي تحققت في مجال العدالة الدولية»، لكن لا بأس بزيارتهم هولندا وخروجهم قليلاً من قطاع غزّة المحاصر.
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February 25, 2010 - Aliwaa - France supports STL
الخميس 25 شباط 2010 العدد – 12816
اللواء السياسي
الحريري التقى العسيري وتلقى رسالة من ساركوزي
تؤكد دعم فرنسا للمحكمة الدولية
الرئيس الحريري مستقبلاً السفير السعودي علي عواض عسيري (تصوير: جمال الشمعة)
تلقى رئيس مجلس الوزراء سعد الحريري رسالة من الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي لمناسبة الذكرى الخامسة لاغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري أكّد فيها وقوف فرنسا الى جانب سيادة لبنان واستقلاله ودعمه للمحكمة الدولية•
كذلك تلقى الحريري برقيتي تهنئة بذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف من الرئيس المصري حسني مبارك ورئيس الحكومة التونسي محمّد الغنوشي•
وكان الرئيس الحريري استقبل أمس في السراي الكبير سفيرة المانيا بريجيتا سيفكر إيبرلي في حضور مستشاره محمّد شطح•
وبعد اللقاء وزّعت ايبرلي بياناً قالت فيه: <سلمت السفيرة الالمانية الرئيس الحريري دراسة عن الإدارة المشتركة للحدود، كمساهمة ألمانية في تطوير إدارة الحدود في لبنان• وترتكز هذه الدراسة الى تجربة دامت ثلاث سنوات في إطار المشروع الألماني، وتؤكد ألمانيا في هذا الإطار استعدادها المتواصل في دعم لبنان لتطوير إدارته المشتركة للحدود في إطار الدعم المشترك والمنسق من قبل المانحين• ورافق السفيرة كل من نائبها ميخايل اونمخت، فرنتز فوجل الذي أعدّ الدراسة وهو المدير السابق للمشروع الألماني وميركو هينتز الذي حل محله•
وعرض مع سفير المملكة العربية السعودية علي عواض عسيري العلاقات الثنائية والمستجدات•
واستقبل مجلس بلدية بيروت برئاسة عبد المنعم العريس وعرض معهم شؤوناً تتعلق بأوضاع العاصمة•
ثم استقبل الرئيس الحريري وفداً من الاتحاد اللبناني الدولي لرجال الاعمال برئاسة رئيس الاتحاد روبير جريصاتي في حضور النائب سيرج طورسركسيان•
وقال جريصاتي بعد اللقاء: "وضعنا الرئيس الحريري في أجواء النشاطات المحلية والدولية التي يقيمها الاتحاد خصوصا موضوع انتشار أعضائه في كافة دول العالم، والتعاون الوثيق مع السفارات اللبنانية في الخارج بهدف تفعيل اللوبي اللبناني العالمي لنجاحات الأعمال اللبنانية• وأعلمنا الرئيس اننا سنوقع مذكرة تفاهم مع وزارة الشباب والرياضة واللجنة النيابية للشباب والرياضة في حضور عدد من الوزراء والنواب الشباب لتفعيل التعاون للمرة الأولى في لبنان بين القطاعين العام والخاص بأجنحته الشبابية، وسنتوجه غدا (اليوم) الى روما بدعوة من شباب الأعمال الشباب الايطاليين لإطلاق أول كونفدرالية عربية - افريقية - أوروبية لرجال الأعمال الشباب لخلق فرص عمل والحد قدر الإمكان من هجرة الأدمغة من لبنان ودول المنطقة"•
واستقبل الرئيس الحريري وفداً من مؤسسة "ازنيك التركية التراثية" برئاسة كريم اكبايغال، الذي اوضح ان الوفد قدم للرئيس الحريري شهادة انضمامه كعضو فخري في المؤسسة كما كان والده الشهيد الرئيس الحريري، وأطلعه على عمل المؤسسة والمشاريع المستقبلية المتعلقة بالمسائل التراثية•
والتقى الوزير السابق عثمان الدنا في زيارة تهنئة تخللها البحث في الشؤون العامة•
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February 25, 2010 - Daily Star - Is Bellemare slowly preparing to bail out?
By Michael Young
An interesting news item has appeared lately in several Arabic newspapers, including the local Al-Liwaa. Reports, citing Lebanese judicial sources, suggest that the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Daniel Bellemare, will soon instruct his Beirut office to issue legal orders to interview “Lebanese personalities,” whose testimonies he can use to build up indictments. Bellemare will supposedly ask the Lebanese to select 300 soldiers to implement the summons orders.
The story has not been confirmed by Bellemare’s office, so it’s right to be careful. However, the story makes rather more sense than all those other leaks about the tribunal’s work, and this for several reasons: It was always viewed as a distinct possibility by observers that Bellemare might hold a round of interviews in the interim before issuing indictments, if indeed indictments ever come. And an analysis of the tribunal’s work indicates why such a course of action might be necessary.
We can assume that Bellemare does not have enough to indict anyone today, otherwise he would have already issued indictments. Nor does his legal strategy appear to be a factor in the delay. Had Bellemare been near to issuing indictments, it is highly doubtful that his chief investigator, Naguib Kaldas, and the tribunal’s registrar, David Tolbert, would have announced that they were leaving at the end of this month.
If Bellemare does not have enough to indict, that means he is still pursuing an investigation to gather the information required to draft accusations that can hold up in court. There are essentially two sorts of information the prosecutor must rely upon: old information that he and his predecessors assembled during their years of work; and information that Bellemare’s investigators must pull together starting now. However, unless we missed something, there appears to be no police investigation taking place today in Lebanon, or anywhere else for that matter. The staff in the Beirut office has been drastically reduced, with most investigators having either been released or living in The Netherlands.
It follows from this that Bellemare and his team are relying on what United Nations investigators collected previously, including testimonies, telecommunications intercepts, forensic evidence, and so on. But if the prosecutor still remains unable to build indictments on the basis of that information five years after the assassination of Rafik Hariri, it is probably a safe bet to argue that he desperately needs new material. No one doubts that Bellemare knows who committed the crime, and the particulars of how it was carried out. But that’s not necessarily enough to indict, which requires testimony based on fresh leads, arrests, and, most important, suspects willing to point the finger at other suspects.
In that context, the reports that Bellemare intends to bring witnesses in make more sense. Aside from the practical fact that such an undertaking creates the impression that the prosecutor is doing something amid growing doubts that the UN investigation has advanced since 2006, it would serve three other crucial purposes.
First, it might allow Bellemare to supplement his apparently thin testimony files, particularly when it comes to Lebanese participation in the Hariri assassination. Still, it doesn’t seem especially probable that the prosecutor will get much more out of such a process than he and his predecessors did from questioning witnesses earlier, unless he plans to question new witnesses. That seems to be the real point of the exercise.
Which leads us to the second purpose. There are unconfirmed reports that Bellemare has had trouble bringing in witnesses during the past year to give testimony, because they have refused his summons. The story is that the prosecutor asked the Lebanese authorities to assist him, but given the nature of the parties he sought to question, the authorities replied there was little they could do to help. If that is correct, a new round of summons may just be a way of putting the Lebanese on the spot and compelling them to take on their responsibilities in the investigation.
Which leads us to the third purpose. If the Lebanese do not bring in the witnesses whom Bellemare asks them to bring in, or even some key figures among them, this could provide the prosecutor with a pretext to announce that he does not have enough in hand to bring indictments. The blame, however, would fall on the Lebanese, not on Bellemare and the United Nations. Lebanese officials should be aware of the prospect for such a scenario, and probably are. Which is why you have to wonder whether the judicial sources who leaked about Bellemare’s alleged scheme did so to derail it – or to shift the onus onto his shoulders.
Whatever the answer, if Bellemare does call in new witnesses, this will be more a maneuver on his part than anything else. At this late stage the prosecutor knows very well who will offer testimony and who will refuse to do so. And he knows this because he spent a year as commissioner of the UN investigating team before becoming prosecutor. If he forces the issue now, his primary objective would be to justify his own failure.
In recent weeks, the former justice minister, Charles Rizk, has appeared on television talk shows to discuss the Hariri investigation, which took place largely during his days in office. Though Rizk expressed optimism about the outcome of the investigation, that was merely a gloss over his pointed criticism directed against the work of Bellemare and his predecessor Serge Brammertz. Rizk’s main beef was that the two men had placed the burden of detaining suspects, above all the four generals, on the Lebanese judiciary, without having enough proof to validate this.
Charles Rizk is both intelligent and experienced. His statements may indicate that, somewhere, he is beginning to smell a rat, and doesn’t want to be made the fall guy for the poor work of the UN commission. If Bellemare is preparing to shift the blame onto the Lebanese for the absence of indictments, Rizk perhaps decided to beat him to the punch. You really have to wonder if the tribunal can still be effective in this atmosphere.
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February 25, 2010 - Daily Star - Syria threatens to try Lebanese officials in absentia
BEIRUT: Syria has threatened to try Lebanese political and security officials in absentia over a lawsuit filed against them three months ago by former head of Lebanon’s General Security Jamil Sayyed, media reports said Wednesday. The Syrian judiciary sent a formal letter to the Lebanese judiciary inquiring about the fate of the summons orders issued three months ago against a number of Lebanese political and security officials. A statement issued by Sayyed’s press office on Tuesday said the letter, a copy of which was made available to Sayyed’s attorney in Damascus, reaffirmed the “need to inform defendants to appear before the first investigating judge in Damascus.” The letter stressed that “if Lebanese authorities insist on not responding, the defendants will then be informed through a notice posted on the Justice Palace bulletin board in Damascus in line with norms, after which we will go ahead with the case in absentia, including the prosecution of defendants in absentia.”
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February 25, 2010 - L'Orient le jour - Sarkozy réaffirme à Hariri le soutien de Paris au tribunal international
La France a renouvelé son appui au tribunal international chargé de faire la lumière sur l'assassinat du Premier ministre, Rafic Hariri (14 février 2005). C'est le chef de l'État français, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui l'a réaffirmé hier, dans un message adressé au Premier ministre, dont la teneur est restée confidentielle. Le message réaffirme également le soutien de la France à la souveraineté et à l'indépendance du Liban.
Par ailleurs, M. Hariri a reçu hier l'ambassadrice d'Allemagne Birgitta Siefker-Eberle, qui lui a remis un document relatif à la gestion intégrée des frontières.
Ce document résume l'expérience, s'étalant sur trois ans, du projet allemand de gestion des frontières au Liban. Dans ce contexte, l'Allemagne souligne sa disposition à aider le Liban à développer sa gestion intégrée des frontières, dans le cadre des efforts communs et coordonnés des pays donateurs.
L'ambassadrice allemande était accompagnée du premier conseiller près l'ambassade Michael Ohnmacht, de l'auteur du rapport et précédent chef du groupe de travail allemand Franz Vogl, et de l'actuel chef du groupe Mirko Hinz.
Par ailleurs, le Premier ministre a reçu le gouverneur de la Banque du Liban, Riad Salamé, avec lequel il a examiné l'épineuse question de la nomination des nouveaux membres de la commission de contrôle des banques, qui tarde en raison d'un désaccord fondamental à ce sujet entre les deux ailes du gouvernement d'entente nationale.
M. Hariri a également reçu l'ambassadeur d'Arabie saoudite, puis M. Abdel Menhem Ariss, président de la municipalité de Beyrouth, et une délégation de la Fédération libano-internationale des hommes d'affaires, conduite par Robert Jreissaty, en présence du député Serge Ter Sarkissian.
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February 24, 2010 - Naharnet - Syria asks Lebanese judiciary about summoning orders
القضاء السوري يستفسر من القضاء اللبناني مصير الاستنابات
استفسرت السلطات القضائية السورية في كتاب رسمي سلمته مؤخرا الى القضاء اللبناني، بشخص المدعي العام التمييزي سعيد ميرزا والمدعي العام في بيروت جوزف معماري، عن مصير مذكرات التبليغ السابقة، أو ما اصطلح على تسميته بالاستنابات القضائية الصادرة منذ ثلاثة اشهر عن قاضي التحقيق الاول في دمشق، في حق عدد من الشخصيات اللبنانية في الدعوى الشخصية المقدمة من اللواء السيد.
واوضح المكتب الاعلامي للواء الركن جميل السيد الذي أورد ما تبلغه السيد من محاميه في دمشق، ان الكتاب السوري "تضمن صورة عن مذكرات التبليغ السابقة بحق الأشخاص اللبنانيين المدعى عليهم، مع التأكيد مجددا على ضرورة ابلاغهم بالمثول أمام قاضي التحقيق الأول في دمشق".
وتضمن الكتاب الرسمي السوري الى القضاء اللبناني، حسب البيان، "عرضا مفصلا للوقائع التي أثارها محامو اللواء السيد أمام القضاء السوري، لجهة أن السلطات اللبنانية المختصة قد جمدت التبليغات السابقة لمدة ثلاثة اشهر لأسباب سياسية، من قبل وزير العدل اللبناني ابراهيم نجار والمدعي العام التمييزي سعيد ميرزا، وذلك خلافا للمواد 24-28 من الاتفاق القضائي الموقّع بين البلدين.
واكد انه "في حال اصرار السلطات اللبنانية على عدم التبليغ وعدم الجواب، سيصار الى تبليغ المدعى عليهم لصقا على لوحة إعلانات قصر العدل في دمشق وفقا للأصول، وبحيث يصار بعدها الى متابعة السير بالدعوى غيابيا وفقا للاجراءات القانونية المعتمدة أصولا، بما في ذلك ملاحقة المدعى عليهم غيابيا".
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February 24, 2010 - L'Orient le jour - La justice syrienne relance l’affaire des commissions rogatoires
Le bureau de presse de l'ancien directeur général de la Sûreté générale, Jamil Sayyed, a publié hier un communiqué indiquant que les autorités judiciaires syriennes ont relancé l'affaire des commissions rogatoires qu'elles avaient émises à l'encontre de plusieurs personnalités libanaises, dont des proches collaborateurs du Premier ministre Saad Hariri, à la suite de la plainte déposée par Jamil Sayyed devant le parquet syrien pour « faux témoignages » dans le cadre de l'enquête sur l'assassinat de Rafic Hariri.
Le communiqué de Sayyed indique que les autorités syriennes ont adressé au procureur de la République Saïd Mirza et au procureur de Beyrouth Joseph Maamari des notes officielles dans lesquelles elles demandent des explications sur le sort des commissions rogatoires émises il y a trois mois et qui concernent, selon les termes du communiqué de l'ancien directeur de la SG, « les anciens ministres Marwan Hamadé, Charles Rizk et Hassan Sabeh, les magistrats Saïd Mirza et Sakr Sakr, les officiers Achraf Rifi et Wissam Hassan, ainsi que MM. Hani Hammoud et Farès Khachan, et d'autres personnes concernées par la plainte déposée par le général Sayyed ».
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February 24, 2010 - Alakhbar - Jamil Sayyed case
الاربعاء 24 شباط 2010 العدد – 1052
السيّد يتهم ميرزا ونجّار بـ «التجميد السياسي» للتبليغات
محمد نزال
«لا تعليق»... عبارة اعتمدها معظم المعنيّين بقضية التبليغات القضائية السورية، المتعلّقة بدعوى اللواء الركن جميل السيّد، ضد من يصفهم بـ«شهود الزور» في قضية اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري. فـ«بلا تعليق» كان التعليق على ما كشفه اللواء السيد أمس، عن أن السلطات القضائية السورية سلّمت القضاء اللبناني أخيراً، كتاباً رسمياً تستفسر فيه عن مصير التبليغات السابقة، وتُعلن أنه في حال إصرار السلطات اللبنانية على عدم التبليغ وعدم الجواب، فإنه سيصار إلى متابعة الدعوى غيابياً، وملاحقة المدّعى عليهم.
وتتعلق التبليغات المشار إليها، بالدعوى الشخصية المقدمة من السيد ضد من يصفهم بـ«شهود الزور» السوريين محمد زهير الصديق وهسام هسام وعبد الخليم خدام، وشركائهم من سياسيين وقضاة وضباط وإعلاميين لبنانيين وغير لبنانيين.
رفض المعنيون في وزارة العدل اللبنانية التعليق على ما ورد في بيان السيد أمس، رغم أن الأخير أتى على ذكر وزير العدل إبراهيم نجّار، قائلاً إنه «جمّد التبليغات السابقة 3 أشهر لأسباب سياسية، وذلك خلافاً للمواد 24 ـــــ 28 من الاتفاق القضائي الموقّع بين لبنان وسوريا». بدوره رفض المدّعي العام التمييزيّ القاضي سعيد ميرزا التعليق، رغم أن السيد شمله مع الوزير نجّار بتهمة «التجميد السياسي»، قائلاً لـ«الأخبار» إنه يرفض التعليق نهائياً، فـ«منذ 5 سنوات وأنا صائم عن التصريحات الإعلامية في هذا الموضوع، لأنّني أحترم صلاحياتي كقاض»، مردفاً إنه لا يريد التصريح تحت اسم مصدر «كما يفعل الجبناء». وتشمل التبليغات القضائية السورية كلّاً من الوزراء السابقين: مروان حمادة وشارل رزق وحسن السبع، والنائب السابق إلياس عطا الله، إضافةً إلى القضاة: سعيد ميرزا وصقر صقر وإلياس عيد، والضباط: أشرف ريفي ووسام الحسن وسمير شحادة وحسام التنوخي وخالد حمود،
شارل رزق: سوريا بلد شقيق، وعندما يصلني التبليغ رسمياً سيكون لكل حادث حديث
إضافةً إلى الصحافيين: فارس خشان وهاني حمود وعمر حرقوص وعبد السلام موسى وأيمن شروف وحسن صبرا وزهرة بدران ونديم المنلا وحميد الغريافي ونهاد الغادري، وكذلك تشمل السفير السابق جوني عبده، والعميد المتقاعد محمد فرشوخ، والمواطن اللبناني عدنان البابا، وشاهدين في القضية هما أكرم مراد، وإبراهيم جرجورة. رفض الوزير السابق مروان حمادة التعليق على الموضوع، وكذلك فعل المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي. أما وزير العدل السابق شارل الرزق، فقد ردّد 5 مرات عبارة «يحقّ لجميل السيد أن يتكلم كما يريد، فهذا رأيه»، وفي المرة الأخيرة أضاف قائلاً «لا علاقة لي بالأمر على الإطلاق، فأنا لم أتبلّغ شيئاً حتى الآن بوجوب الذهاب إلى سوريا والمثول أمام قاضي التحقيق هناك». ورداً على سؤال وجهته «الأخبار» إلى رزق عمّا إذا كان سيذهب إلى سوريا، في حال وصول التبليغ إليه رسمياً، قال إنّ سوريا «بلد شقيق، وعندها لكل حادث حديث».
من جهته، أكّد اللواء السيد لـ«الأخبار» أن الكتاب الرسمي الأخير وصل إلى السلطات القضائية اللبنانية منذ نحو أسبوعين، وأن فيه عرضاً مفصلاً للوقائع التي أثارها محاموه أمام القضاء السوري، لجهة أن السلطات اللبنانية المختصة قد جمّدت التبليغات لأسباب سياسية. وجدّد السيد اتهامه للأشخاص المذكورة أسماؤهم بـ«تضليل التحقيق في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري، بهدف إلصاق التهمة بي وبضباط آخرين، وتنفيذ الاعتقال السياسي والتعسفي بحقّنا مدّة 4 سنوات تقريباً».
ولفت السيد في حديثه إلى أن الكتاب الرسمي الموجّه من السلطات القضائية السورية، هو الأخير قبل أن يصار إلى تبليغ المدّعى عليهم لصقاً على لوحة إعلانات قصر العدل في دمشق، وفقاً للإجراءات القانونية المعتمدة أصولاً، ثم إصدار مذكّرات توقيف غيابية، ومتابعة السير بالدعوى غيابياً.
تجدر الإشارة إلى أن قضية التبليغات كانت محلّ أخذ ورد منذ صدورها، حيث شاب تفسير معناها القانوني الكثير من اللغط، مثل تسميتها «استنابات قضائية»، فيما هي لا تعدو كونها تبليغات لعدد من الأشخاص للمثول أمام قاضي التحقيق الأول في دمشق، كشهود في دعوى اللواء السيد لا كمتهمين. ويرى الخبير القانوني الدكتور شفيق المصري أنه «يجب أن تراعى الأصول الدبلوماسية في قضية التبليغات، وكذلك الصفات التي يحملها الأشخاص الواردة أسماؤهم فيها، إذ لا يصح أن يمثُل شخص بصفة المدّعي العام التمييزيّ في بلد أمام قاضي تحقيق في بلد آخر، فهذه لا تحصل ضمن البلد الواحد». ولفت المصري في حديث مع «الأخبار» إلى أن التبليغات بين الدول أمر قائم، لكنها «يجب أن تجري عبر القنوات الدبلوماسية، لا عبر القضاء مباشرةً، علماً بأن الاتفاق القضائي الموجود بين البلدين كان قبل أن تقوم بينهما علاقات دبلوماسية، أمّا اليوم، فالحال مختلفة».
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February 24, 2010 - Naharnet - Sarkozy to Hariri: France Reiterates Support for Lebanon's Sovereignty, STL
Prime Minister Saad Hariri received a letter from French President Nicolas Sarkozy on the occasion of the fifth commemoration anniversary of ex-PM Rafik Hariri's assassination.Sarkozy reiterated his country's support for Lebanon's sovereignty and independence and for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.On the other hand, Hariri received cables of greetings on the occasion of Prophet Mohammed's birthday from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Tunisian PM Mohammed al-Ghnoushi.Hariri met at the Grand Serail with the German Ambassador to Lebanon Birgitta Eberle who handed him over a study on joint border administration as a German contribution to developing the border administration in Lebanon.The premier also discussed the general situations with the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awad al-Essiri.Furthermore, Hariri discussed the economic and financial situation in Lebanon with Riad Salameh, the governor of Lebanon's Central Bank.
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February 24, 2010 - Naharnet - Syria Threatens to Try Lebanese Officials in Absentia over Sayyed's Case if They Don't Show Up In Damascus Court
Syria has threatened to try Lebanese political and security officials in absentia over a lawsuit filed against them three months ago by former head of Lebanon's General Security Jamil Sayyed.
The threat came in a formal letter sent by Syrian judicial authorities to the Lebanese judiciary asking about the fate of the summoning orders issued three months ago against a number of Lebanese political and security officials.
A statement issued by Sayyed's press office, said the letter, a copy of which was made available to Sayyed's attorney in Damascus, reaffirmed the "need to inform them (sued persons) to appear before the first investigating judge in Damascus."
The letter stressed that "if Lebanese authorities insist on not responding, the defendants will then be informed through a notice posted on the Justice Palace bulletin board in Damascus in line with norms, after which we will go ahead with the case in absentia, including the prosecution of defendants in absentia."
Legal expert Shafiq al-Masri, however, said diplomatic norms should be taken into account.
He told al-Akhbar in remarks published Wednesday that the orders of summonos in Sayyed's case should go through diplomatic channels, and not directly via court.
Sayyed accused Prosecutor Saeed Mirza and Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar of putting the the orders of summons on hold.
The daily al-Akhbar on Wednesday said both Mirza and Najjar declined comment.
It said MP Marwan Hamadeh and police chief Ashraf Rifi also refused to comment.
Hamadeh, who is also a former Cabinet minister, is among the officials included in the order of summons.
The others are:
- Former Cabinet ministers Charles Rizk and Hasan Sabah
- Ex-MP Elias Atallah
- Judges Saeed Mirza, Saqr Saqr and Elias Eid
- Police chief Ashraf Rifi as well as police officers Samir Shehadeh, Hossam al-Tannoukhi and Khaled Hammoud
- Retired army Brig. Gen. Mohammed Farshoukh
- Journalist Fares Khashan, Hani Hammoud, Omar Harqous, Abdel-Salam Moussa, Ayman Sharrouf, Hasan Sabra, Zahra Badran, Nadim al-Munla, Hamid al-Gheryafi and Nuhad al-Ghadry
- Former ambassador Johnny Abdo
- Lebanese citizen Adnan al-Baba
- Two witnesses in the case Murad Akram, Ibrahim Jarjoura
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February 23, 2010 - Naharnet - 300-Strong Security Force on Alert for New Court Summoning Orders in Hariri Case
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon reportedly plans to request from the Lebanese government to assign 300 Lebanese army soldiers and officers to be ready for the summoning orders to be issued by STL President Daniel Bellemare against a number of Lebanese personalities.The daily Al-Liwaa on Tuesday said Bellemare will refer the orders to the STL Beirut office. It quoted Lebanese judicial sources as saying that the move comes as part of the completion of investigations into the crime in preparation for issuing the charge sheet, which may be delayed pending finalization of investigation.
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February 22, 2010 - Daily Star - Calls to end sectarianism fall on deaf ears
By Mirella Hodeib
BEIRUT: The uproar witnessed on the Lebanese political scene following calls to abolish political sectarianism is unprecedented. Speaker Nabih Berri’s January call to form a National Higher Commission to Abolish Political Sectarianism received an angry reception from March 14 Forces, even from the speaker’s allies in the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM).
But Berri’s call to form the commission is not the first one; President Michel Sleiman has also raised the issue. In a speech to mark Lebanon’s 66th anniversary of independence last November, the president called for the establishment of such a commission, “to encourage vast participation in political life.”
The Future Movement of Prime Minister Saad Hariri did not voice any objections to the proposal either.
The Maronite Church, however, seems to be strongly opposed to the idea, with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir arguing, on several occasions, that sectarianism ought to be “removed from the souls before being removed from the texts.”
Former Head of the State Shura Council Youssef Saadallah al-Khoury explains that sectarianism cannot be ultimately removed from the souls, while stressing that the Lebanese could be safeguarded from its negative repercussions through constitutional texts.
Middle East commentator Rannie Amiri told The Daily Star that the sectarian distribution of seats in Parliament and within the Cabinet “was always meant to be temporary, as Section G of the Taif Accord clearly indicates.”
“This distribution, as outlined by Taif, did serve a useful purpose in helping to end the even more skewed disproportional representation which existed prior and was one of the causes of Lebanon’s long Civil War,” he said.
According to Amiri, Lebanon has now evolved beyond this transitional period and current calls to abolish political sectarianism have been “primarily due to the paralyzing nature of sectarian politics.”
It took Prime Minister Hariri more than five months to form a Cabinet which complied with all the requirements of the sectarian quota system, and which was not necessarily based on merit or qualifications.
“Because Lebanon is already quite familiar with this vicious cycle, it is important to recognize that allocating seats [and power] based on one’s religious group must end,” he said.
Speaker Berri’s adviser Ali Hamdan said political systems are created in order to serve the public’s interests and not vice-versa. He added that Berri was a firm believer that the current system was “outdated, and rigid.”
“We endorse critical thinking in order to find a remedy to develop a political system capable of promoting unity and building trust among the Lebanese,” he added.
Berri also defends the timing for his call, saying the main motive behind the call, besides the constitutional obligation, is “the unprecedented wave of reconciliations and the return of confidence building among the Lebanese.”
Berri also hopes that the work of the commission would be as fruitful as that of the National Dialogue Committee he had formed for back in March 2006.
Dialogue sessions at the Parliament gathered the leaders of Lebanon’s main factions to openly discuss problematic issues and succeeded in reaching an agreement on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to try those who assassinated former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the Palestinian file in Lebanon as well as ties with Syria.
Currently, National Dialogue is headed by President Sleiman and mainly works on outlining a defense strategy for the country.
Associate Professor of History at the Lebanese American University Habib Malik said one of the possibilities why Berri raised the issue of political sectarianism could be to distract attention from Hizbullah’s growing arsenal.
Hamdan responded that the Speaker was the one to suggest including the discussion of Hizbullah’s weapons during National Dialogue sessions.
Malik further argued that Berri’s initiative was a “very dangerous step in the context of Lebanon and a way of undermining rather than promoting democracy and offers no protection for minorities.”
Malik argued that abolishing political sectarianism opened the way for totalitarian rule and ensured no rights for minorities. “The current system ensures the right of minorities,” he added, referring to the dwindling number of Christians in the country.
Recent research conducted by the Center for Arab Christian Research and Documentation at Beirut’s Universite Sainte Joseph indicates that one-third of the nation’s Christian population has left since the beginning of the 1975-90 Civil War, and a recent surge in emigration means Christians now make up just 34 percent.
Amiri, meanwhile, maintained that Lebanon’s history as a multi-confessional country is unlikely to lead to the “tyranny of the majority” as some may fear. “It is very clear all groups must be adequately represented for the country to thrive,” he said.
Hamdan said the Constitution looked after the rights of minorities by calling for the formation of a Senate, where all the sects would be represented. He added that the Christians were the most affected by the current political structure.
“Immigration rates among the Christians are a clear example,” he said.
Hamdan argued that Berri’s proposal has convinced an increasing number of politicians. “Those who oppose the call, oppose examining means to promote Lebanon’s strong points want to keep Lebanon a weak country that could be targeted easily.”
Meanwhile Speaker Berri’s opponents had also described his call to form the commission as “ironic” in light of Berri’s role during the 1975-90 Civil War as the head of the Shiite Amal Movement.
Hamdan, who is well aware of the accusations, said the call to form a committee to abolish political sectarianism coming from a former warlord “gains more significance.”
“Nabih Berri has experienced and suffered more than anyone else the curse of sectarianism,” Hamdan said, adding that Berri was part of the sectarian game and therefore “is aware of all its rules and components and how to treat those.”
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February 22, 2010 - Alakhbar - STP replies to Alakhbar
الاثنين 22 شباط 2010 العدد 1050
المحكمة الدولية تردّ على «الأخبار»
وصلنا مساء يوم الجمعة الفائت من المكتب الإعلامي في المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بجريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري وآخرين، عبر العنوان الإلكتروني البريدي للمتحدثة باسم المحكمة فاطمة العيساوي البيان الآتي:
«يهمّ المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان توضيح بعض ما ورد في مقالة نشرتها صحيفتكم (بتاريخ 10ـــــ02ـــــ17) تحت عنوان «اجتماع كاسيزي بحقوقيّين: أميركا وفرنسا تراوغان».
أولاً، إن المحكمة تؤكّد أنّ الرئيس القاضي أنطونيو كاسيزي لم يُدلِ بأيّ تصريح مفاده أن «أميركا وفرنسا تراوغان» خلال لقائه حقوقيّين في إطار زيارته للبنان، وعليه لا يمكن أن يُنسب هذا الكلام إليه.
ثانياً، إنّ ما قاله الرئيس كاسيزي خلال اللقاء عن اتفاقيات التعاون مع الدول يتلخّص في أنه عرض اتفاق تعاون موحّداً على دول المنطقة، ودول تضم جاليات لبنانية، وأنّ توقيع اتفاقيات كهذه يستغرق وقتاً نظراً للإجراءات المعقّدة التي يتطلّبها اعتمادها على المستوى الوطني.
ثالثاً، يقول كاتب المقال إنه «علم في سياق الحديث أنه عُرض نوع كهذا من الاتفاقات على عدّة دول مثل فرنسا والولايات المتحدة وسوريا وإسرائيل، وأن جميع هذه الدول رفضت توقيعها لأن بعضها مثل الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل مضطّرة إلى الإجابة عن قضايا تقنية معيّنة استقتها من أقمارها الاصطناعية، وهي لا تريد ذلك لأسباب تتعلّق بعمل أجهزة الاستخبارات فيها»، وأن «فرنسا ...لا تريد توقيع الاتفاق الدولي مع المحكمة، خوفاً من أن تكون بعض المعلومات المتعلقة بالجريمة قد استُغلّت سياسياً في عهد الرئيس جاك شيراك». تشدّد المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان على أنّ الرئيس كاسيزي لم يدلِ بأيّ تصريحات من هذا النوع خلال اللقاء المذكور.
أولاً، إن ما ورد في بيان المحكمة مستغرب، إذ إنه قد يدلّ على عدم تدقيق المسؤولة الإعلامية فاطمة عيساوي وزملائها في مضمون المقالة التي نشرتها «الأخبار»، فلا ينقل كاتب المقال عن كاسيزي قوله إن «أميركا وفرنسا تراوغان» بل يقول الكاتب «في سياق الحديث، عُلم أنه عُرض نوع كهذا من الاتفاقات على عدّة دول مثل فرنسا والولايات المتحدة وسوريا وإسرائيل، وأن جميع هذه الدول رفضت توقيعها». وفي هذا الإطار لا بد من التذكير بأنّ الزميلة «لو موند» الفرنسية كانت قد ذكرت في عددها الصادر يوم 13 شباط 2010 أن «أنطونيو كاسيزي قدّم في ربيع 2009 اتفاقيات تعاون ثنائي إلى دول في المنطقة مثل سوريا، ودول أخرى من بينها فرنسا والولايات المتحدة. لكن لم توقّع أيّ من تلك الدول الاتفاقيات حتى اليوم». أليس تأخّر توقيع الاتفاقات لنحو عام «مراوغة»؟
ثانياً، إنّ المحكمة الدولية من خلال بيانها تشير إلى أن قرار أميركا وفرنسا وإسرائيل وسوريا توقيع اتفاقيات التعاون معها يستغرق مدة زمنية قد تطول أكثر من عام كامل «نظراً إلى الإجراءات المعقّدة التي يتطلّبها اعتمادها على المستوى الوطني». وهذا يعني أن صدور مضبطة الاتهام سيتأخّر بسبب ذلك، كما تؤكد أيضاً «لو موند».
ثالثاً، إنّ تشديد بيان المحكمة على أن كاسيزي لم يقل إن فرنسا لا تريد توقيع الاتفاق الدولي مع المحكمة خوفاً من أن تكون بعض المعلومات المتعلقة بالجريمة قد استُغلت سياسياً في عهد الرئيس جاك شيراك، لافت، إذ إنّ كاتب المقال لم ينسب الكلام إلى كاسيزي.
أخيراً يُستغرب تصرّف المكتب الإعلامي للمحكمة الذي يولي اهتماماً لنفي بعض الأخبار الواردة، بينما يتهرّب جميع العاملين في المحكمة من إعلام اللبنانيين بكيفية صرف أموالهم في لاهاي. وكان مشروع الموازنة قد خصّص 108 مليارات ليرة مساهمة في كلفة المحكمة، التي لم تحقّق أيّ تقدّم ملموس حتى الآن.
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February 22, 2010 - L'Orient le jour - Au Vatican, Hariri promet un maintien de la parité islamo-chrétienne
Photo souvenir pour le Premier ministre et sa famille avec Benoît XVI. Le Premier ministre Saad Hariri a insisté devant le pape Benoît XVI sur l'importance de la coexistence et de la parité islamo-chretiennes, au cours de son audience privée avec le souverain pontife, au Vatican, samedi.Le Premier ministre Saad Hariri a été reçu en audience par le pape Benoît XVI au cours de sa visite de 24h samedi au Vatican où il a également eu des entretiens avec le secrétaire d'État du Vatican, le cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, et le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Saint-Siège, Mgr Dominique Mamberti. Les discussions ont porté sur les relations bilatérales, la situation au Liban ainsi que sur les développements politiques au Moyen-Orient.
Le Premier ministre est arrivé au Vatican accompagné de son épouse Lara, et de leurs enfants Houssam, Louloua et Abdelaziz. Il a été reçu en audience privée par le pape pendant trente minutes. Le souverain pontife a ensuite reçu Mme Hariri et les trois enfants, puis la délégation officielle libanaise qui était composée de l'ambassadeur du Liban au Vatican, Georges Khoury, du chef de cabinet du Premier ministre, Nader Hariri, ainsi que de ses conseillers Mohammad Chatah, Daoud Sayegh et Hani Hammoud.
Au cours de son entretien avec le pape, M. Hariri a mis l'accent sur l'importance du rôle des chrétiens, de la coexistence et de la parité islamo-chrétienne, ainsi que du rôle du Liban au niveau du dialogue des cultures. Il a assuré son hôte de l'intérêt qu'il attache personnellement à l'espace de dialogue entre les religions pour que le Liban reste un modèle de dialogue intercommunautaire et de coexistence pacifique, d'autant, a-t-il relevé, qu'il a adopté le principe de la modération comme base de son action politique.
M. Hariri, qui a officiellement invité le pape au Liban, lui a offert un manuscrit en arabe, Euchologe - Livre de prières, datant de 1633. Le manuscrit de 906 pages a été traduit du grec vers l'arabe par le patriarche d'Antioche Malatios Karma.
Quant au pape, il a offert au Premier ministre un stylo représentant l'un des quatre piliers de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Rome.
Par ailleurs, au terme d'une réunion de plus d'une heure avec le cardinal Bertone et Mgr Mamberti, le Premier ministre a tenu une conférence de presse au cours de laquelle il a exposé la teneur de son entretien avec Benoît XVI. Il a précisé que la conversation a porté, entre autres, sur le tourisme religieux au Liban, affirmant avoir demandé au pape d'encourager les chrétiens du monde à se rendre au Liban pour visiter les sites chrétiens importants.
Il a également souligné l'importance de la proclamation par le Conseil des ministres de l'Annonciation comme « fête nationale commune islamo-chrétienne ».
En réponse à une question, M. Hariri a qualifié d'« indispensable » la parité islamo-chrétienne. « Elle figure dans notre Constitution et elle est respectée dans la répartition des membres de notre Parlement », a-t-il rappelé. Il a en outre insisté sur l'importance du synode sur l'Orient qui se tiendra en septembre et en octobre au Vatican pour examiner la situation des chrétiens au Moyen-Orient.
Interrogé au sujet des menaces israéliennes contre le Liban, il a estimé que « le plus important reste de préserver la coexistence et d'éviter toute division dans le pays, car celle-ci nous affaiblit plus que n'importe quelle guerre ».
Et d'ajouter : « L'État libanais est souverain et prend ses propres décisions à ce titre. Partant, nous affirmons clairement que nous voulons l'application de la résolution 1701 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, qui protège le Liban contre toute menace ou agression israélienne. »
M. Hariri a ensuite indiqué que les contacts se poursuivent avec les pays amis, comme la France, les États-Unis, l'Italie et l'Allemagne, « qui maintiennent des relations privilégiées avec Israël et à qui nous disons franchement ce que nous pensons des menaces israéliennes ».
Nous ne craignons pas la guerre
Et M. Hariri de poursuivre : « Nous ne craignons pas la guerre et nous ne devons pas vivre dans la crainte de la guerre comme si elle était inéluctable. Nous réagissons à ces menaces comme doit le faire un État responsable. Mais de là à dire qu'une guerre éclatera dans une semaine ou deux... À mon sens, ces menaces se limitent à ce niveau. »
Pendant son séjour au Vatican, le Premier ministre a reçu un appel téléphonique de la secrétaire d'État américaine, Hillary Clinton, portant sur les efforts US déployés pour relancer le processus de paix au Moyen-Orient, la nécessité d'une application de la résolution 1701 et la protection du Liban des dangers régionaux qui le guettent.
Parallèlement, dans une interview au quotidien italien Corriere della Sera, M. Hariri a estimé que « le seul moyen de combattre l'extrémisme est d'instaurer la stabilité, la sécurité et la paix ».
Il a estimé que si les chrétiens, entre autres, quittent la région du Moyen-Orient, c'est « parce qu'il n'y a ni paix, ni stabilité, ni sécurité ». « Il y a près d'un million de réfugiés irakiens en Syrie et au moins 500 000 autres en Jordanie. Le problème avec les chrétiens est qu'ils sont une petite communauté et qu'ils sentent le besoin de fuir », a-t-il déclaré.
En ce qui concerne le Liban, M. Hariri a insisté sur le fait que « la parité entre musulmans et chrétiens sera maintenue pour toujours ». « Le Liban est le seul pays arabe à avoir un président chrétien. La lutte contre l'extrémisme est menée en montrant aux gens qu'ils ont des points communs. Voilà pourquoi j'ai proposé l'adoption de la fête de l'Annonciation (25 mars) comme fête nationale islamo-chrétienne et jour férié. Je voudrais réassurer les chrétiens que nous ne faisons qu'un », a-t-il encore insisté.
Commentant les problèmes générés par l'émigration en Europe, le Premier ministre a dit être conscient de ce problème, avant d'estimer que « les musulmans doivent procéder à un examen de conscience ». « Nos extrémistes deviennent plus radicaux. Je me considère un extrémiste en matière de modération. Voilà pourquoi je n'accepterai aucun argument, de quelque façon que ce soit, venant de n'importe quel extrémiste », a-t-il fait remarquer.
À la question de savoir s'il estimait que le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban a perdu de son élan, Hariri a répondu : « Laissons le tribunal faire son travail. Nous sommes chanceux d'en être arrivés là en 5 ans. En Sierra Leone, il a fallu attendre 7 ans avant d'obtenir une résolution du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU. »
Au sujet de sa visite en Syrie, il a expliqué qu'en sa qualité de Premier ministre, il se doit de prendre en considération les intérêts du Liban. « J'estime aussi que de bonnes relations avec notre voisine, la Syrie, sont cruciales pour le Liban. Je ne suis pas parti à Damas pour entamer une relation personnelle avec le président Assad, mais pour veiller à l'égalité dans les rapports entre deux États. »
Concernant le fait que l'ambassadeur syrien à Beyrouth est considéré par certains comme pratiquement inexistant, M. Hariri a répliqué : « Il en est peut-être ainsi pour l'instant. Il ne faut pas être pressé. Mon père m'a toujours appris à voir la moitié pleine du verre et que de bonnes choses peuvent surgir des pires tragédies. »
Croit-il qu'une confrontation avec Israël est envisageable ? Hariri a répondu : « Israël menace tous les jours de déclencher une guerre et prétend depuis 2007 que celle-ci se justifie parce que le Hezbollah est représenté au gouvernement. Pourquoi ressorte-t-il cet argument de nouveau ? Parce qu'il prépare un prétexte à la guerre. »
Prié de dire s'il se considère, ainsi que le gouvernement, comme otage du Hezbollah et de ses armes, il a affirmé : « Ce n'est là qu'une interprétation des choses. Notre taux de croissance s'est accru à 8 %, je vois le boom du secteur touristique et un Liban de plus en plus riche en dépit de la crise internationale. Il existe certainement des divergences de vue politiques. Mais mon devoir de Premier ministre est d'unir le peuple du Liban. Nous avons assez souffert de nos divisions. Nous voulons être calmes, sensés et sages, nous voulons résoudre les problèmes à la conférence national de dialogue. »
Concernant la situation au Liban-Sud et les rumeurs qui circulent en Italie sur une éventuelle réduction du contingent italien de la Finul, Hariri a souligné « le rôle crucial de l'Italie et de la Finul dans le maintien de la stabilité au Liban-Sud », avant d'exprimer le souhait que Rome ne réduise pas le nombre de ses soldats au sein de la Finul et qu'il ne change pas sa politique envers le Liban.
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February 21, 2010 - Naharnet - Hariri: I Didn't Go to Syria to Build a Relationship with Assad, but with the Syrians
Prime Minister Saad Hariri vowed to fight extremism through stability and security, stressing that Christian-Muslim equity in Lebanon will remain safe and sound.
"The only way to fight extremism in through achieving peace, stability and security," Hariri told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in an interview published Sunday.Hariri on Saturday met Pope Benedict XVI who expressed support for the international tribunal that would try his father, ex-PM Rafik Hariri's suspected killers, hoping that the perpetrators would be brought to justice.On his visit to Syria, Hariri stressed that he did not go to Damascus to build a relationship with Syrian President Bashar Assad, but with the Syrians. In the interview, Hariri pointed to Italy's "vital role" in Lebanon, expressing hope that Rome would not cut the number of troops working among the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon."We hope Italy would not reduce the number of its troops nor would it change its policy" toward Lebanon, Hariri said. He wondered why Christians and other people immigrate."It's because there is no peace, security or stability," Hariri answered himself, noting to the presence of 1 million Iraqi refugees in Syria and at least 500,000 others in Jordan."The problem with the Christians," Hariri explained, "is that they are a small community, and they feel they have to leave." Turning to Lebanon, Hariri stressed that Christian-Muslim equity will "stay forever." Regarding the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Hariri said the STL did not lose momentum."There is a tribunal. Let it do its job," he said, adding that Lebanon is "lucky" to reach this point in five years whereas in Sierra Leone, Hariri added, it took seven years to get U.N.'s approval to set up an international court there.
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February 21, 2010 - Naharnet - Pope Stresses Support for Tribunal, Hariri Reiterates 'Sovereign' Lebanon's Commitment to 1701
Pope Benedict XVI has expressed support for the international tribunal that would try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's suspected assassins, hoping the perpetrators would be brought to justice.
The pope also lauded during a meeting with Premier Saad Hariri at the Vatican the Lebanese cabinet's latest decision to make March 25 a national holiday to celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
He praised the role played by the Maronite patriarchate and head of the church Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir and referred to the Synod on the Middle East which will take place in October 2010.
Hariri, in his turn, urged the pope to work on protecting Lebanon and exercising pressure on all countries involved "to avoid any mistake in Lebanon or the Middle East."
He said contacts between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and President Michel Suleiman were aimed at warding off Israeli threats against Lebanon.
The prime minister said Lebanon is "a sovereign state and takes its own decisions as a state, institutions and government," reiterating the country's commitment to Security Council resolution 1701 "which is an international resolution that protects Lebanon against any attack or Israeli threat."
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February 18, 2010 - ILoubnan - Chirac exhorte à soutenir le Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban
BEYROUTH – L’ancien président français Jacques Chirac a déclaré mercredi soir que l’assassinat de l’ancien Premier Ministre libanais Rafic Hariri a été un choc direct pour le monde entier. Il a assuré que les commanditaires ne peuvent passer impunis.
A l’occasion de la cinquième commémoration de l’assassinat à Paris, en présence de la veuve de Hariri, Nazek, et nombre de responsables politiques, Chirac a affirmé que le Tribunal international œuvre à instaurer la justice et dévoiler la vérité, soulignant la nécessité de soutenir le tribunal et patienter jusqu'à la révélation de ses résultats.
Chirac a également espéré que le Premier Ministre Saad Hariri réussisse à tenir ses responsabilités, œuvre à instaurer la sécurité et la stabilité au Liban et garantir son indépendance et sa souveraineté à l’instar de son père.
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February 17, 2010 - Daily Star - Hizbullah urges France to 'rein in Israeli aggression'
BEIRUT: Hizbullah on Tuesday urged France to “rein in Israeli aggressiveness” amid heightened concern in Beirut over recent Israeli threats against Lebanon and Syria.
“We ask that France take a firm stand and work with the international community to rein in Israeli aggressiveness,” a press release said.
“Israeli policies are behind all regional tensions and Lebanon maintains its right to armed defense against any possible Israeli attacks,” the party said.
The statement came after a Hizbullah MPs and international relations official Ammar Moussawi met for with Gerard Larcher, the visiting president of the French Senate, or upper house of Parliament.
Larcher said on Monday night during a dinner hosted by Prime Minister Saad Hariri that Lebanon and France would stand together in the UN Security Council. He also conveyed his trust in future cooperation and positive dialogue between both countries.
For his part, Hariri praised France’s participation in the United Interim Force in Lebanon, adding that he looked forward for France’s help in putting an end to Israeli threats.
“Our work in the UN Security Council where Lebanon was elected as a non-permanent member for two years will be toward that goal and toward achieving stability in the region,” Hariri said.
The premier also thanked France’s support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon investigating former Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination in 2005 and stressed Lebanese-French economic cooperation and the implementation of Paris III conference reforms.
“Lebanon will continue to struggle to implement social and economic reform given a national unity cabinet committed to the country’s prosperity and stability,” Hariri said.
“The period from March 17-21 will be an important phase when medium- and small-sized French firms will meet while Lebanon managed last year to achieve economic growth despite all difficulties, a growth we would like to be accompanied with economic reforms,” Larcher told reporters at Hariri’s residence.
Earlier, Hariri described Israeli threats and military activity as “escalating” and “really dangerous” in an interview with the BBC.
Similarly, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri asked on Monday Larcher for his country take a “firm stand” to stop Israel from attacking Lebanon.
Israeli officials have warned repeatedly that all of Lebanon and the Lebanese government will be targeted by Israel in the event of any attack by Hizbullah. Israel has been locked in a similar war of words with Syrian leaders as well.
Syrian President Bashar Assad has also said Damascus would back “the government and people of Lebanon against any possible Israeli aggression launched on Lebanon.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has since sought to ease tensions, claiming that his country wants peace with all its neighbors.
But earlier this month, Netanyahu accused Beirut of allowing Hizbullah to smuggle weapons into Lebanon in “blatant violation” of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.
Hizbullah’s statement coincided Tuesday with the annual commemoration of the murder of the party’s military commander Imad Mughniyeh on February 12, 2008 in Damascus – a killing Hizbullah blamed on Israel. The party also promised to avenge his death. – AFP, with The Daily Star
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February 17, 2010 - CNN - Obama names first envoy to Syria since 2005
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama is ending the United States' five-year diplomatic absence in Syria by formally nominating veteran diplomat Robert Ford to serve as U.S. ambassador there, a sign of thawing relations between the two nations.
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday that Ford was an experienced diplomat with many years of dealings in the Middle East.
"His appointment represents President Obama's commitment to use engagement to advance U.S. interests by improving communication with the Syrian government and people," Gibbs said.
"If confirmed by the Senate, Ambassador Ford will engage the Syrian government on how we can enhance relations, while addressing areas of ongoing concern," Gibbs said.
The United States withdrew its ambassador from Syria in 2005 in protest of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
Washington accused Syria of being behind the killing of the popular statesman in a massive bombing that also left 22 others dead. Syria denied the accusations, but an investigation by the United Nations Special Tribunal found Syrian government involvement. The revelation led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.
Since then, Syria and Lebanon have attempted to enhance relations.
The Obama administration wants to renew dialogue with Syria as part of a wider effort for establish regional peace.
A fluent Arabic speaker, Ford has been serving in the U.S. embassy in Iraq as deputy chief of mission. He was also ambassador to Algeria.
Ford's nomination was announced just ahead of Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns' trip to the region, which includes stops in Syria and Lebanon.
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February 17, 2010 - Naharnet - 1st US Ambassador to Syria after 5-year Boycott over Hariri's Assassination
U.S. President Barack Obama nominated career diplomat Robert Ford as the first U.S. ambassador to Syria in five years, seeking to engage a U.S. foe and energize his thwarted Middle East peace push.
Ford will be the first U.S. ambassador to Damascus since Washington recalled its envoy after former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was killed in February 2005 in a bombing blamed on Syria.
"Ambassador Ford is a highly accomplished diplomat with many years of experience in the Middle East," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.
"His appointment represents President Obama's commitment to use engagement to advance U.S. interests by improving communication with the Syrian government and people.
"If confirmed by the Senate, Ambassador Ford will engage the Syrian government on how we can enhance relations, while addressing areas of ongoing concern."
But the nomination ignited a festering row with Republicans over Obama's signature policy of seeking to engage U.S. foes.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the top Republican on the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs committee blasted the move as "reckless engagement" and a reward for a U.S. enemy.
"With this nomination, our foreign policy again risks sending the message that it is better to be an intractable enemy than a cooperative, loyal U.S. ally," she said in a statement.
"Despite the Administration's outreach, Syria continues to sponsor violent extremist groups like Hizbullah and Hamas, to undermine Lebanon's sovereignty, and to pursue unconventional weapons and missile capabilities."
The White House announcement came on the eve of a visit to Syria by William Burns, a top State Department official, which the administration says will further dialogue with Damascus on "all aspects" of a strained relationship.
Obama has seen his efforts to engage Iran and broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians founder in his first year in office, and the overture to Syria may be aimed at seeking a new way to ease the deadlock.
But analysts say it seems unlikely that the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, with a first priority of ensuring its own survival, will be keen to sever links with Iran or make immediate concessions to Israel.
U.S. officials may be keen to increase intelligence cooperation with Syria, though its stakeholding in Lebanon via Hizbullah will likely prove a long-term impediment to better ties.
The Obama administration announced earlier this month that it picked a new ambassador, and passed Ford's name, as per diplomatic protocol, to Damascus for approval before it was publicly announced.
Obama's move triggered immediate opposition from his Republican foes in Congress.
Ford, currently deputy chief of mission in the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, was previously ambassador to Algeria, and has also had postings in Izmir and Cairo in a 25-year career in the U.S. Foreign Service.
Obama apparently paved the way for the announcement on Friday, calling Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to tell him that he strongly supports the effort to bring the killers of his late father to justice.
The previous administration of President George W. Bush recalled the U.S. ambassador from Damascus and put relations with Syria on hold in 2005, following Hariri's killing.
His death in a massive bomb blast on the Beirut seafront in February of that year was widely blamed on Syria although Damascus has denied any involvement.
An international tribunal based in The Hague was set up by a U.N. Security Council resolution in 2007 to try suspects in the murder.
A U.N. commission of inquiry initially said it had found evidence to implicate Syrian and Lebanese intelligence services but there are no suspects in custody.(AFP)
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February 15, 2010 - Alanwar - Canada supports STL
الاثنين 15 شباط 2010 العدد – 17375
محليات لبنان
وزير خارجية كندا :
عمل المحكمة الدولية
سيكلل بالنجاح
أعلن وزير الخارجية الكندي لورانس كانون ولمناسبة ذكرى اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري أن الحريري كان رجل دولة شجاعاً ومحترماً متفانياً في خدمة لبنان متعدد معاصر.
وشارك الوزير الكندي الشعب اللبناني حزنه اثر خسارته الرئيس الحريري، مقدماً أحر التعازي لابنه رئيس الوزراء الحالي سعد الحريري، والى كل أعضاء عائلة رفيق الحريري، وعائلات كل الضحايا.
وأبدى كانون ثقة كندا بأن عمل المحكمة الدولية سوف يكلل بالنجاح، معتبراً أن مجرى التحقيق يقرر متى اطلاق الادعاء والوقت المناسب للقيام بذلك، ونحن ندعم كاملاً عمل المحكمة واستقلاليتها.
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February 15, 2010 - Daily Star - Hariri calls for new era in relations with Syria
March 14 leaders take aim at Hizbullah’s weapons
By Elias Sakr
BEIRUT: Prime Minister Saad Hariri called Sunday for a new page in Lebanese-Syria ties away from power struggles between regional axes in order to guarantee Lebanon’s stability as thousands of Lebanese gathered in Beirut to mark the fifth anniversary of former Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination. While the premier refrained from tackling Hizbullah’s weapons, Future Movement bloc head MP Fouad Siniora called along with Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea and Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel for restricting the possession of arms and decisions of war and peace to the state’s authority.
But Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt, once a leading figure of the March 14 alliance, left the rally before the speeches began after he and his son Taymour, who remained till the end of the event, said a prayer in Rafik Hariri’s memory.
Earlier Sunday, Jumblatt held a meeting with Saad Hariri at the latter’s residence in Downtown Beirut after which he accompanied the premier to the Martyrs Square.
The assassination of Hariri in 2005 led to the rise of the March 14 alliance whose leaders accused Syria of being involved in the murder and pressed for the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1559, ending 25 years of military presence.
Jumblatt withdrew from the coalition following the June 2009 elections. He then moved closer to Syria’s allies in Lebanon in an attempt to bridge the gap with President Bashar Assad after he had called in 2005 for the removal of the Syrian regime.
“My visit to Syria was part of a big window that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz opened … and I am keen on keeping this window open, and establishing a new era in Lebanese-Syrian relations, from one sovereign, free and independent state to another,” Hariri said.
Hariri also stressed that no compromise would take place at the expense of the Taif Accord or the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
“There will be no room for compromise when it comes to national dignity, democratic principles, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the Taif Accord or parity between Christians and Muslims and Lebanon First will remain our slogan,” he said.
The premier also underlined the importance of national unity and cooperation among the Lebanese to preserve national stability and enforce the state’s authority, adding that his visit to Syria was part of larger Arab reconciliations.
“Lebanese benefit from Arab solidarity is a strategic interest since Lebanon is majorly harmed if involved in axes games, and Arab reconciliation is an opportunity not to be missed,” Hariri added.
Hariri also reiterated support for the “Lebanon First” slogan and called for solidarity against Israeli threats.
“Stability is in the interest of Lebanon First, Arab reconciliation is in the interest of Lebanon First, Solidarity against Israeli threats is in the interest of Lebanon First, rejecting causes of civil strife is in the interest of Lebanon First,” Hariri added.
Meanwhile, former President Gemayel called for restricting possession of weapons to the state’s institutions.
Gemayel also expressed support for Hariri’s openness toward Syria but demanded from Damascus a specific timeline to settle disputed issues between both countries.
“We want the best possible ties with Syria but we want at the same time Syria to be convinced of Lebanon as a sovereign state and independent country with a special political regime in the region,” Gemayel said.
“We appreciate Premier Saad Hariri’s courage as he overcame his personal wounds to the benefit of Lebanon and we ask Syria to take practical steps in return,” Gemayel added.
Gemayel also called for grabbing the opportunity during national dialogue sessions to undertake true reconciliations among the Lebanese rather than circumstantial compromises, which he said only lead to more obstruction and paralysis in the state’s institutions.
“I suggest that the national dialogue table under the sponsorship of the president and in cooperation with the premier and all national leaders be an opportunity not to only discuss the national strategy but to undertake practical reconciliation which tackles the Lebanese problem in depth,” Gemayel said.
The Phalange Party head added that Lebanon’s stability and security were those of Syria and vice versa.
Echoing Gemayel, Former Premier Siniora stressed that the March 14 alliance rejected that any side enforced its opinion through the use of force or weapons, while voicing hope that Hariri’s visit to Damascus would open a new page of understanding and cooperation in respect with both countries sovereignty.
“We are committed to promoting reforms and development based on democratic and peaceful principles and we will not accept that any side imposes its opinion upon us by force or weapons,” Siniora said, a reference to Hizbullah’s arms.
Siniora also stressed that the only resolution to Lebanon’s problems would be to spread the state’s authority over all its territories, as he rejected “control by militias and status quo powers.”
“We instigated and participated in resisting the Israeli enemy and we will remain ready to resist it united if we are aggressed but we will do our best in order to deny the Israelis an opportunity or pretext to destroy our country,” Siniora said.
Meanwhile, Geagea said weapons outside the state’s authority were a burden on the Lebanese state since arms drew foreign aggression. He also urged Lebanese leaders to refrain from dragging Lebanon “into fire in defense of regional interests or nuclear ones,” a reference to Iran’s nuclear program.
“Leaders of the other side are called to take a courageous national stance and hand their military capabilities to the Lebanese state since war and peace decisions should be taken by the Cabinet only,” Geagea said.
Geagea also stressed the alliance’s commitment to international resolutions 425, 1559, 1680 and 1701 while underlining that no compromise would take place concerning the tribunal.
He urged Sleiman and Hariri to prevent certain parties from turning the national unity Cabinet into a paralyzed government.
Commenting on Hariri’s speech later Sunday, Jumblatt said the premier’s statements were acceptable and objective but he added that he disagreed with the “Lebanon First” slogan since it contradicted his principle.
Jumblatt said he agreed with Hariri to establish special ties with Syria after its withdrawal from Lebanon, adding that he would visit Syria for the benefit of national interests and that of the Druze community, similarly to a visit he undertook following his father Kamal Jumblatt’s assassination.
Conversely, Deputy head of the Shiite Higher Council Abdel Amir Qabalan condemned turning the February 14 anniversary into an occasion to instigate civil strife among the Lebanese, while stressing that Hizbullah’s weapons would remain as long as the Zionist entity continued to exist.
Separately, US President Barack Obama expressed to Hariri his strong support and that of the American people to the Lebanese premier and people as both leaders emphasized the need to support the tribunal’s work to bring those responsible for the assassination to justice.
The tribunal was established in 2007 by the UN Security Council under Resolution 1557, which endorsed a prior agreement between Lebanon and the UN in 2006 based on Resolution 1664.
A statement issued by the white house press office stressed Obama’s continued support for Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence as the US president expressed his keenness to cooperate with Hariri to push the Mideast peace process forward.
President Obama and Premier Hariri discussed Lebanese-American bilateral ties including American support to Lebanese Armed Forces,” the statement said.
The statement added that the US was committed to the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1559, 1680 and 1701, adding that the US looked forward to cooperating with Lebanon as partner in UN Security Council in the upcoming two years.
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February 15, 2010 - Naharnet - Le Monde: Revelations about Hizbullah's Involvement in Hariri's Murder Credible
The French newspaper Le Monde said that revelations published by the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel about Hizbullah's involvement in the 2005 assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri were "trustworthy."
It said that primary conclusions of the investigation since 2005 pointed a finger at Syria. Damascus, however, hailed as a "victory" the release in April of four Lebanese generals who were held for nearly four years without charges over Hairiri's murder.
Their release was not due to errors in the conclusions of the probe, but due to the methods adopted by initial investigators -- witnesses making questionable statements, unprofessionally gathered forensic evidence which cannot be used before a court.
But, despite those mistakes which accompanied the investigation, the probe is progressing, Le Monde wrote, adding that the cellular phone network used by the perpetrators had been pinned down.
It quoted sources as saying that the network pointed to the involvement of Hizbullah officials in Hariri's assassination.
"This confirms a May 2009 report by Der Spiegel which accused Hizbullah operatives," Le Monde added.
Hizbullah's Nawaf Moussawi dismissed Le Monde's report.
Der Spiegel has said a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating Hariri's murder has obtained new evidence proving Hizbullah was behind his assassination.
Hizbullah had described Der Spiegal's report as "fabricated lies" and a cheap attempt at influencing the June 7 parliamentary elections.
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February 15, 2010 - L'Orient le jour - Rappel à l’ordre
Feuille de route
L'esprit du 14 Mars a la vie dure. C'est ce que ses nombreux ennemis devraient se dire aujourd'hui - entre quatre murs - ceux-là mêmes qui n'ont de cesse depuis des années de fantasmer sur la mort clinique du phénomène. La lucidité est une vertu rare, certes, et il n'est pas donné à tout le monde de la posséder. Pourtant, qu'à cela ne tienne, les pèlerins de Brad et leurs nouvelles idoles syriennes, ou encore les persécuteurs de Téhéran et leurs exécutants locaux devraient avoir au moins l'honnêteté de reconnaître que le public du 14 Mars a réussi hier un véritable tour de force : à savoir celui de rester sur le pied de guerre en dépit du climat général de démobilisation - d'ailleurs entretenu des mois durant par une partie de son directoire (la palme revenant sans conteste au très volatile Walid Joumblatt, si étranger à lui-même hier, si camusien...) au nom d'une hypocrite pseudo-entente imposée par le fait accompli des armes et par la conjoncture régionale depuis l'été dernier.
Du point de vue symbolique, la première observation à faire concernant le rassemblement du 14 février 2010 est donc de pure forme - mais elle est cependant loin d'être la moins significative : le public du 14 Mars s'est mobilisé envers et contre tout, et tous, notamment l'incapacité de ses dirigeants à respecter le programme en vertu duquel ils ont obtenu la majorité à la Chambre des députés le 7 juin dernier. Certes, les appareils partisans ont fait le plein, comme prévu, mais il a néanmoins fallu, pour chacun des pôles politiques du mouvement, s'escrimer sur les écrans ces deux dernières semaines pour convaincre chaque personne parmi les dépositaires de la révolution du Cèdre de ne pas rester chez soi, devant son téléviseur. Cela signifie que les artisans de l'intifada de l'indépendance, cette somme d'individus qui continue de résister aux pressions externes et aux déceptions internes, constitue une opinion publique réelle, et qu'elle est souveraine, c'est-à-dire qu'elle continue de représenter l'esprit du 14 Mars, ses valeurs fondamentales, quand bien même ses leaders s'écartent du droit chemin, s'égarent, par incapacité, faiblesse ou manque de discernement. En d'autres termes, il s'agit d'une foule responsable, adulte.
Car c'est bien souverainement qu'une grande partie de la foule - il ne faut pas s'y tromper - s'est rendue hier à la place des Martyrs -, qu'elle soit partisane, au sens strict du terme, ou non. En effet, partisans ou indépendants, ce n'est pas pour applaudir des chefs charismatiques et des orateurs, mais un discours politique représentatif de certaines valeurs (quel qu'en soit l'auteur) et défendant certains principes bien spécifiques que des centaines de milliers de Libanais ont afflué hier vers la place de la Liberté. Le discours que cette foule voulait entendre, ce n'est pas le discours que le 14 Mars officiel tient depuis la formation du cabinet d'entente nationale ; pas le discours aseptisé sur une nouvelle lune de miel fantasmatique avec un régime syrien remis en selle par ses alliés locaux mais aussi par l'équipe Sarkozy, ou sur le vivre-ensemble inexorable entre l'État et la milice et sur la légitimité de la « résistance ».
Non. Une première lecture politique de la manifestation d'hier montre que le public du 14 Mars s'est mobilisé sur les mêmes bases que celles pour lesquelles il a voté le 7 juin dernier et reconduit la majorité : il tient à l'unité islamo-chrétienne fondatrice de la souveraineté libanaise, loin du projet de l'alliance des minorités qu'on souhaite lui imposer par la force. Il ne veut pas d'un retour de Damas aux dépens de la souveraineté libanaise. Il ne veut pas que Riyad, Paris ou Washington se permettent de brader au plus bas prix, par réalisme politique et pour leur bien propre, ce qu'il a mis des années à reconquérir par le sang et les larmes : sa souveraineté et sa dignité. Il ne veut pas que le tribunal international, qui est synonyme pour lui d'une exigence de justice si longtemps écrasée, soit lui aussi sacrifié sur l'autel des intérêts de la géopolitique régionale. Il n'a pas digéré, même sous le prétexte de la raison d'État (et influence saoudienne oblige), que Saad Hariri aille serrer la main de Bachar el-Assad alors que le régime syrien n'a cessé de multiplier les preuves de sa mauvaise foi à l'égard du Liban (preuve en est, la super mascarade de Brad), de vouloir marginaliser le patriarche maronite, ou de faire pression sur les médias libanais. Il trouve insupportable l'idée d'un cabinet d'union nationale avec ceux qui ont perdu les élections. Il veut en finir avec les armes et les discours belliqueux du Hezbollah, et répugne à tous ces compromis salués par l'autre camp comme des victoires fantoches.
Le public du 14 Mars veut que son directoire mette en application cet agenda politique. Il peut comprendre le chantage opéré par l'axe syro-iranien, à savoir la menace permanente d'un nouveau 7 mai et d'une guerre civile. Il sait qu'un idéal de stabilité, de paix et de démocratie est si fragile, si chétif face à la menace des armes. Mais il veut que ses chefs lui parlent, s'adressent à lui, sans tergiverser, sans manœuvrer, sans faire de concessions, ou encore des compromis. Sans aller jusqu'à l'humiliation, comme Walid Joumblatt. « Où est mon vote, qu'en avez-vous fait ? » se demandaient hier les manifestants, reprenant le même slogan que les braves de Téhéran. Une allusion à l'annulation sur le terrain des résultats des élections de juin 2009 par le Hezbollah en raison des armes iraniennes qui sont en sa possession, mais une critique aussi du 14 Mars qui n'a toujours pas respecté ses promesses électorales.
Le public du 14 Mars a renouvelé hier son allégeance au projet et aux objectifs de l'intifada de l'indépendance, et il est venu confirmer à ses chefs qu'il a voté pour un programme bien précis le 7 juin dernier. Il est venu se rappeler à leur bon souvenir dans le cadre de la bataille d'options, de la guerre culturelle que le projet souverainiste continue de livrer face à l'axe syro-iranien. Plus que cela, il est venu les rappeler à l'ordre. Les quatre orateurs, Amine Gemayel, Fouad Siniora, Samir Geagea et Saad Hariri, ont d'ailleurs anticipé hier sur l'événement. Aussi ont-ils tous, l'un après l'autre, magnifiquement mis l'accent sur les constantes de l'intifada : la souveraineté, le passage à l'État, le monopole de la violence légitime et l'exigence de justice, signe qu'il n'existe aucune « capitulation » à l'horizon, comme le souhaite de tout son cœur Michel Aoun.
Cette « réconciliation » entre le 14 Mars politique et son opinion publique est fondamentale. Mais il faut encore beaucoup plus pour convaincre : si l'opinion publique est souveraine, elle s'attend à ce que son directoire ait l'audace de l'être aussi et de ne pas s'abaisser, courber l'échine, se résigner. Elle veut que l'intifada continue d'avancer, sans stagner et mourir. Elle s'attend à ce que ce directoire se ressaisisse, et cela doit nécessairement apparaître au niveau de la pratique quotidienne du 14 Mars et de ses mécanismes décisionnels dans les jours à venir. Il y va de l'avenir du mouvement politique, et du contrat qui l'oblige vis-à-vis de ceux qui n'ont de cesse de le mandater et de lui insuffler, en permanence, leur infatigable et incomparable énergie de vie.
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Febraury 14, 2010 - Iloubnan - Geagea: Don’t turn the national unity Cabinet into a national paralysis one
BEIRUT – Speaking before the crowds on Sunday at the Martyrs Square, Lebanese Forces executive council president Samir Geagea urged President Michel Sleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri not to turn the national unity Cabinet into a national paralysis one.
Geagea said the Cedar revolution would keep with its mission to serve the best interests of Lebanon and its families. “Here is the high national committee of partnership. Here is the real national Lebanese resistance because its slogan is Lebanon First. It’s a national resistance because it’s keen of the interests of the Lebanese. It is an effective resistance because it’s able to secure the unity and protection of Lebanon”, he stressed. “The responsibility for protecting Lebanon requires its officials to be responsible for securing the interests of Lebanon and not drag the country into fire to defend a foreign cause”, he emphasized.
As for domestic issues, Geagea said any presence of any arms outside the Lebanese Army’s authority would lay a heavy burden on the Lebanese State and could trigger foreign aggression and drag Lebanon into endless and uncalculated foreign conflicts.
“The other camp must make a courageous decision to hand their arms to the Lebanese authority and let Council of Ministers decide of war and peace, this is only way to spare Lebanon regional conflicts, and spare our people terror, pain and tears”, he added. “We have to get committed to the Arab league and UN legislations and resolutions”, he signaled.
As for the international tribunal, Geagea said that Lebanon was stronger than the destabilization attempts. “Some parties thought they could keep Lebanon as an open arena for troubles. But we showed we are powerful through establishing the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. We won’t compromise it and we’ll abide by its results no matter what. We won’t let it down”, Geagea stressed.
“You struggled to establish the STL and your struggle delivered and will deliver truth and justice”, he added. “We have bid to form a national unity Cabinet to serve the interests of Lebanon and we won’t accept to lose this bid”, he emphasized.
“We support President Michel Sleiman and Prime Minister Hariri in all their efforts, especially those that aimed to form the Government. So, don’t let anyone turn the Cabinet from national unity one to a national paralysis Cabinet”, he said.
“The truth we are seeking also includes to unveil the fate of our detainees, demarcate our borders, secure sovereignty, and establish stability and to have our status back on international map”, Geagea concluded.
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February 14, 2010 - Associated Press - Huge rally in Beirut marks Hariri's 2005 killing
BEIRUT — Tens of thousands of flag-waving Lebanese gathered in Beirut's main square Sunday to mark the fifth anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a killing that sparked a cascade of political turmoil in the Middle East.
Turnout from across the country was huge, but estimated to be less than in previous years — perhaps a reflection of the serious rift within the ranks of the pro-Western ruling coalition, now headed by the slain Hariri's son, the current prime minister.
This year's anniversary also comes after Prime Minister Saad Hariri reconciled with neighboring Syria, whom he has openly accused of killing his father in the 2005 truck bombing. The 40-year-old Hariri now heads a unity government that includes Syrian-backed politicians who had been part of the political opposition.
Unlike in previous years when leaders' speeches were peppered with attacks and insults against Syria, Hariri this year spoke of a new stage in Lebanon's relations with its neighbor.
"In all truth, honesty and responsibility, I am keen on keeping this window open, and on building a new era in Lebanese-Syrian relations, from one sovereign, free and independent state to another," he said.
Many in the crowd carried banners that read: "We miss you."
"I am here to say Rafik Hariri did not die for nothing ... we will continue to fight for our independence," said Zeina al-Sidani, who was carrying a red, white and green Lebanese flag in one hand and a red rose in her other. She said the rose was "for Lebanon's martyrs on Valentine's Day."
Rafik Hariri had close ties with Western leaders as well as Syria and was credited with helping rebuild Lebanon's capital after the 1975-1990 civil war. In the last few months before his assassination, however, he had tried to limit Damascus' influence over Lebanon, and many accused Syria of involvement in his killing. Syria denies those accusations.
Hariri's death was followed by the rise of a U.S.- and Saudi-backed alliance that became known as the March 14 coalition, named after a day of massive anti-Syrian protests dubbed the "Cedar Revolution."
The demonstrations eventually led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country, ending a 29-year military presence.
An international tribunal based in the Netherlands was set up a year ago to prosecute the killers, but no one has been charged and there are frustrations and concerns that the case is languishing.
Two high-level departures from the court in recent weeks have increased the worries of Hariri's backers, but the tribunal's head said during a visit to Beirut this month that the resignations were "normal" and that the investigation is on track.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reaffirmed the United Nations' commitment to the tribunal's efforts, "so as to bring those responsible to justice and end impunity in Lebanon," U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky said this week at the world body's New York headquarters.
President Barack Obama also assured Hariri in a telephone call that he strongly supports the work of the tribunal, according to Hariri's office.
Sunday's rally in Beirut's Martyrs' Square was an attempt by Saad Hariri and his allies to regain some of the political momentum lost after a major rift within its ranks.
Druse leader Walid Jumblatt — once a key figure in the March 14 alliance and a vehement critic of Syria who even called for Syrian President Bashar Assad's overthrow — quit the Western-backed coalition in August and moved closer to the rival Hezbollah-led camp.
He now calls for "distinctive relations" with Syria and says he's prepared to also visit Damascus, the Syrian capital.
Jumblatt grudgingly said he will attend Sunday's rally with Hariri but he will not be one of the speakers.
Jumblatt's defection, as well as Hariri's landmark visit to Syria in December, gave the impression of a weakening alliance, and Sunday's rally is seen as an occasion to try to regroup.
Some in the crowd in central Beirut expressed disappointment with Hariri's policy of reconciliation with Syria.
One group carried a large placard reading: "What have you done with my vote," reflecting frustration with Hariri for forming a national unity government that includes members of the rival Hezbollah-led opposition, despite winning parliamentary elections last year.
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February 13, 2010 - Daily Star - Prime Minister Saad Hariri vowed on Friday to follow in the footsteps of his father, assassinated former Prime Minist
“Rafik Hariri opted for the path of coexistence between the Lebanese and was keen on preserving the unity, stability and development [of the country],” he told visitors on Friday.
“We must consecrate national unity,” the premier added. “We have fought for the last four years to build a nation for all the Lebanese.”
Urging supporters to participate in the downtown Beirut rally on February 14 to mark five years since the assassination of his father, he said Sunday’s rally “will show that we are keen on continuing Rafik Hariri’s path.”
In an interview Friday evening broadcasted live of MTV and Future TV, Hariri stressed that “only death” would separate him from his allies in the March 14 Forces.
Hariri said Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt remained a “main ally” to the Future Movement, adding it was his “democratic right” to hold a different political opinion.
Jumblatt said on Wednesday he would attend the commemoration of Hariri but would not make a speech. Following last year’s parliamentary polls, Jumblatt broke with the March 14 alliance saying the circumstances which tied him to the group were no longer applicable.
Also on Wednesday, Jumblatt said during an interview with As-Safir newspaper that he had never asked the US to invade Syria like it did in Iraq.
Hariri said on Friday that he had turned the page with Syria, adding that the two neighboring countries ought to build “mutual trust.” The premier said talks were ongoing with Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Hariri said he and Assad had “frankly tackled” pending issues and discussed “how we can build for the future.”
“Assad was clear that he wants to build state-to-state relations with Lebanon,” he said.
Hariri praised the initiative by Saudi King Abdullah to mend Arab divisions, adding that if tensions had persisted between Saudi Arabia and Syria, the situation in Lebanon would have been critical.
Rafik Hariri’s death in a massive bomb blast on Beirut seafront in February 2005 was widely blamed on Syria although Damascus has denied any involvement. An international tribunal based in The Hague was set up by a UN Security Council Resolution in 2007 to try suspects in the murder.
Saad Hariri said he would respect any findings made by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) concerning his father’s assassination.
United Nations chief Ban Ki-Moon’s spokesman said Friday that the UN remains committed to legal efforts to uncover the truth about the slaying of Hariri five years ago.
“The secretary general reaffirms the commitment of the UN to the efforts of the STL to uncover the truth, so as to bring those responsible to justice and end impunity in Lebanon,” Martin Nesirky said in a statement.
Tackling recent threats made by Israel against Lebanon, Hariri said he was leading contacts to raise the awareness of the international community about the dangers of such threats.
Hariri also renewed Lebanon’s commitment to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which put and end to the summer 2006 war with Israel. Concerning Hizbullah’s arsenal, Hariri said the issue was “problematic” and ought to be tackled during National Dialogue sessions
On Friday, the March 14 Forces laid the final touches on preparations for the February 14 rally to mark the fifth anniversary of former Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination,
The Central News Agency reported that a delegation from the Development and Liberation bloc – representing Speaker Nabih Berri – would visit former Premier Rafik Hariri’s memorial in downtown Beirut on the eve of February 14.
The agency added that other figures within the March 8 coalition would also visit the memorial. However, they would not participate in the commemoration.
On Friday, Russian Ambassador Sergei Boukine laid a wreath on Hariri’s memorial. Boukine praised the late premiere’s struggle for the impendence of Lebanon.
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February 13, 2010 - Le Monde - Cinq ans après la mort de Rafic Hariri, le Tribunal pour le Liban n'a toujours pas rassemblé de preuves décisives
Cinq ans après l'assassinat de l'ancien premier ministre libanais Rafic Hariri dans un attentat à la voiture piégée perpétré au coeur de Beyrouth, le 14 février 2005, le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban (TSL) ne compte ni accusés ni fugitifs. Son procureur, le Canadien Daniel Bellemare, affirme que "l'enquête avance", mais, à Beyrouth, le doute s'installe, même si le tribunal n'est plus aujourd'hui au centre du jeu politique libanais.
Régi par un accord signé entre le gouvernement et les Nations unies en juin 2007, sous l'impulsion de la France et des Etats-Unis, malgré l'opposition du Parlement libanais, le tribunal a toujours suscité la controverse. Aujourd'hui, l'enquête progresse lentement, dans un contexte politique et judiciaire semé d'embûches.
Ses premières conclusions, dès 2005, mettaient en cause la Syrie. Mais, après la libération de quatre officiers supérieurs libanais pro-syriens détenus pendant quatre ans puis libérés à la demande du tribunal, en avril 2009, Damas saluait une victoire. Ces libérations ne résultaient pas de conclusions erronées mais des méthodes des premiers enquêteurs : témoins douteux, promesses ou pressions sur d'autres, pièces à conviction récoltées hors des règles de l'art et inutilisables dans un procès.
Mais malgré ces erreurs de parcours, l'enquête avance. Le réseau des téléphones portables utilisés par les exécutants a été identifié. Il conduirait, selon certaines sources, à des responsables au sein même du mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah. C'est ce qu'assurait un article publié en mai 2009 par le magazine allemand Der Spiegel, pointant des membres des opérations spéciales du Hezbollah. "Qui est la taupe ?", s'interrogeait alors un chercheur proche de l'enquête.
Même si les fuites tombaient à point nommé pour la majorité anti-syrienne, à quelques jours des élections législatives de juin, plusieurs sources jugent crédible l'essentiel des révélations du Spiegel. Mais elles ne dédouaneraient pas la Syrie. "Si on estime que c'est le Hezbollah, on peut assumer qu'il n'aurait jamais fait cela sans l'aval de la Syrie, et éventuellement l'aide de l'Iran", affirme une source au sein de l'enquête.
Mais même basée sur des éléments concrets, l'analyse ne suffit pas à monter un dossier judiciaire. "Il est impossible de pénétrer des groupes ou des organisations aussi importants que ceux qui ont commis l'attentat, et il est difficile de travailler dans un pays où il existe des zones de non-droit", affirme un autre enquêteur. Des groupes impossibles à infiltrer, des témoins qui disparaissent, une scène de crime passée au bulldozer le jour même de l'attentat : le tribunal travaille dans un contexte politique peu favorable.
Paris et Washington ont-ils toujours besoin du tribunal Hariri alors que la situation a changé et que les deux pays se sont lentement rapprochés de Damas ? Ils restent officiellement très attachés au tribunal, considéré "comme un moyen de pression" sur la Syrie, estimait dans un rapport publié en janvier 2009 l'organisation International Crisis Group (ICG). Le tribunal reste pour l'heure un joker, que chacun conserve dans son jeu.
Pour Peter Harling, responsable régional de l'organisation, basé à Damas, "à l'origine il y avait une décision politique, prise par une instance politique ; désormais, le processus est devenu judiciaire, il a une vie propre dont le calendrier est déconnecté des ambitions politiques qui lui ont donné naissance".
Mais la discrétion du procureur Bellemare agace néanmoins les diplomates "qui essayent de lui tendre des pièges, mais il reste muet sur l'enquête", raconte une source proche du Quai d'Orsay. "Il est très prétentieux dans ses rapports avec les autres, notamment les autorités nationales et les services étrangers, et donc peu populaire. Il se sent surpuissant mais ne comprend pas bien les finesses du dossier. Il veut adapter des méthodes d'enquête traditionnelles canadiennes à une enquête politique sur un territoire qu'il ne contrôle et ne comprend pas", regrette un enquêteur.
Comme toute juridiction internationale, le TSL doit avancer des preuves. Sans elles, pas de procès. Si des services de renseignements occidentaux et régionaux en détiennent, l'équipe du procureur aura besoin de leur aide alors que les enquêteurs peinent à mesurer leur volonté réelle de coopération.
Pour poursuivre les auteurs de l'attentat, il faudra nécessairement que justice et diplomatie se rejoignent de nouveau. Le tribunal dispose de peu d'outils juridiques pour faire appliquer ses décisions. Seul le Liban a l'obligation de coopérer. Au printemps 2009, le président du tribunal, Antonio Cassese, a soumis des accords de coopération bilatérale à des pays de la région dont la Syrie, ainsi que d'autres Etats parmi lesquels la France et les Etats-Unis. Mais aucun n'a, à ce jour, été signé.
A La Haye, le tribunal souffre aussi d'un malaise, illustré par les démissions de hauts responsables enregistrées depuis un an. Dernière en date, celle du chef des enquêtes, l'Australien Nick Kaldas, qui quittera le tribunal fin février.
Stéphanie Maupas
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Background - خلفية
On 13 December 2005 the Government of the Lebanese Republic requested the UN to establish a tribunal of an international character to try all those who are alleged responsible for the attack of 14 february 2005 that killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 22 others. The United Nations and the Lebanese Republic consequently negotiated an agreement on the establishment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Chronology - Chronologie
Détenus - Detainees - المعتقلون
International Criminal Justice
Videos - فيديو
- Now Lebanon : Crowds Gather to Show Support for International Tribunal, August 4, 2010
- IRIS Institute:La creation du TSL est-elle justifiee? - June 18, 2009
- Al Manar : Interview with Ali Hajj right after his release - April 30, 2009
- Al Manar: Summary of Jamil Al Sayyed's press conference, April 30, 2009
- AFP, Freed Lebanese prisoner speaks out - April 30, 2009
- OTV : exclusive interview with Jamil Sayyed - April 30, 2009
- Al Jazeeera English : Crowds celebrate Hariri suspects'release - April 29, 2009
- OTV : report about Ali el Hajj - March 18, 2009
Liens - Links - مواقع ذات صلة
Frederic Megret, McGill University, 2008. A special tribunal for Lebanon: the UN Security Council and the emancipation of International Criminal Justice
International Center for Transitional Justice Handbook on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, April 10, 2008
United Nations
Conférence de presse de Nicolas Michel, 19 Sept 2007
Conférence de presse de Nicolas Michel, 27 Mars 2008
Département d'Etat américain
* 2009 Human Rights report
* 2008 Human Rights report
* 2007 Human Rights report
* 2006 Human Rights report
* 2005 Human Rights report
ICG - International Crisis Group
The Hariri Tribunal: Separate the Political and the Judicial, 19 July, 2007. [Fr]
HCSS - Hague Centre for strategic studies
Hariri, Homicide and the Hague
Human Rights Watch
* Hariri Tribunal can restore faith in law, 11 may 2006
* Letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, april 27, 2006
Amnesty International
* STL insufficient without wider action to combat impunity
* Liban : le Tribunal de tous les dangers, mai 2007
* Jeu de mecano
Courrier de l'ACAT - Wadih Al Asmar
Le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban : entre espoir et inquiétude
Georges Corm
La justice penale internationale pour le Liban : bienfait ou malediction?
Nadim Shedadi and Elizabeth Wilmshurt, Chatham House
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon : the UN on Trial?, July 2007
Issam Michael Saliba, Law Library of Congress
International Tribunals, National Crimes and the Hariri Assassination : a novel development in International Criminal Law, June 2007
Mona Yacoubian, Council on Foreign Relations
Linkages between Special UN Tribunal, Lebanon, and Syria, June 1, 2007